mmm...went for diana krall's concert...if i didnt remember wrongly..she's a jazz singer...well..basically i am not into jazz...i prefer rock, punk, alternative, pop, rap, R&B...anything but jazz...jazz makes me go zzzzz...that's why it's jazzzzzz...because i go zzzzzz....*laughs*
this is how she looks like: quite prettty...*grins*

actually it's free tickets...complimentary from my uncle works in the finance industry...and salespeople from different financial institutions have to service i always get free perks!! *laughs* (mmm..i think people are getting green with envy..but not my fault horz...what to do when you have an uncle like that and who loves you like mad?? *laughs*) thus far, i have been to free musicals, plays, dinners, shows etc...very nice..all premium seats and food!! *laughs*
anyway...back to diana krall's activity....had dinner with my uncle at this chinese restaurant, Soup Restaurant....not bad...was bloody full...because it's a company event, there's free drinks and fingerfood provided at BalaClava... heh heh...and here's where you see how the different bankers and stockbrokers and dont know what interact and socialize..very interesting...and the guy who services my is he gorgeous... tall, good-looking,charming, speaks well, hold himself well,earning good bucks!!! i like..i was like..mmm.not drooling..but admiring him...he's so so so so so my type...told my uncle that he's cute..and my uncle said..."if i'm not wrong, just broke up with his girlfriend...anyway..he's a canadian-born-chinese..." heart went thumping near yet so far....
finally, the's a very simple concert..nothing some convention hall...were sitted quite near to the stage..premium seats...*grins* diana came out with 3 other guitarist, one drums and one bassist...she's on the piano..then she started singing...and because she's playing jazzzzz i zzzzzz within the first half hour...*laughs* cant blame me.. i'm not a jazz person... but on and off..i woke up and listened..quite nice...there's this song..very went something like... " i dont wanna sit next to you because your feet's too big..i hate you becaues your feet's too big...i dont wanna eat with you coz your feet's too big...." funny song...the rest...not much impression...but she sang quite a few Nat King Cole's song..which were nice...but i still dont like jazzzzz as it really make me go zzzzzz *laughs*
my next free shows.... The Sound of Music (Musical) & Phua Chu Kang (Musical) .... heh heh dont be green with envy... i think..i have to switch industry...must go into the finance industry and do sales...but i want to do sales in ideas..and not in
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