
Wednesday, April 06, 2005

cellulite defined by merriam-webster online dictionary... "accumulation of subcutaneous fat" *laughs* i have accumulated tons and tons of subcutaneous fats...not only on my body but around myself.... *laughs* yes..i'm going to bitch about one "friend" again...*laughs* "i'm a bitch, i'm a lover, i'm a child, i'm a mother, i'm a sinner, i'm a saint, i do not feel ashamed" *grins*

this friend of mine..actually i do regard her as a friend..just that at times..the things she said, the way she acted..really amused me...not that she pissed me off..although at times yes...but most of the time..i'm truly amused...

she always think that she is pretty, slim and attractive!!! seriously.... if my own brother, my very own blood-related brother has commented that I, his own sister, very own blood-related sister, am MUCH prettier than her...HOW PRETTY CAN SHE GET????? let's get this brother has NEVER once said i am pretty or even average or even him, i'm always FAT & UGLY...and my brother said... "your friend ah, like lego people...square square...but only one part is round...her TUMMY!!" *laughs* and that day...we were walking along some street...and i just commented that my jeans are so damn loose...and i pulled them up as i walked...and my dear friend had to reply... "mine also leh" that also must fight...what's she trying to prove???

another time...we went clubbing...and this guy was OBVIOUSLY interested in princess mel... he was very close to princess mel and was talking to her and got her phone number as well....but this guy didnt bother about my friend...but when she retold the story to others...she can say... "wah..this guy very touchy....right hand touching me and left hand touching the other girl... very disgusting..but i dance away to show my disinterest" mmm...but if you ask me...i thought the guy was INTERSTED in princess mel and NOT HER??? *mutter mutter*

when we were in school, she would always hitch a ride from me..not that i mind that she's taking a ride from me because she lives really close by...but she will purposely fit into my timings so that she can hitch rides from me... CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? for example, my lesson starts at 10am while her first lesson is at 2pm...she would rather go to school with me simply because i drove... *sighz* let me illustrate this classic case...

she: eh i want to go novena square after this lesson...
me: okay..go ah..i 'm not stopping you..ha ha ha...
she: you going home straight after lesson???
me: yeah...i guess so..not going anywhere....
she: so you can give me a ride to novena horz....
me: huh? no's not on the way....cannot give you a ride...not even to any train stations..not on the way at all...
she: like that ah...then i follow you home..i go novena square another time...

WAH!! amazing right? did i in the first place offer to give her a ride home? did i in the first place become her chauffeur? did i ever mention that she can follow me home???

however, this friend does provide entertainment for me...*grins* she ALWAYS seemed to have guys around her life...guys wanting to date her...guys picking her up in clubs and pubs... BUT these are only her side of the stories...never seen any guys picking her up when we went clubbing, never seen any of the guys whom she's always talking to... but of course..i give her the benefit of the doubt...since she wants to "boast" i'll let her be.... *grins* and i'll always remember the reason why she used to frequent "Siam Supper Club".... *drumrolls* THERE'S NO COVER CHARGE AND THERE ARE MORE POTENTIAL GUYS FOR HER!!! oh holy cow...which guy in his right mind would pick you up??? *oops*

here's the latest:

she: any programs this week?
me: which day you talking about? anyway might be going clubbing this friday...
she: huh? i cannot leh..saturday i can...
me: eh...then so sorry..we going on friday....

eh..did i ever mention that i was going to ask her along? did i say..."wanna go clubbing this friday?" no leh...i said..."might be going clubbing this friday" my sentence misleading or is she reading too much into my sentence? *grins*

mmm...i can foresee some comments:
(1) you very mean ah...she's not that bad lah... i didnt say she's's just that there are certain aspects of her i really must comment...just my personal opinions ah...
(2) if you dont like her, why still hang out with her? i didnt say i dont like her horz..i only said she's pretty amusing in certain aspects...and i just want to bitch about her...
(3) are you being to judgemental? she sure got some thing good right? aiyo...already said...she's alright..just that i find her certain aspects quite interesting...quite pissing off and quite duhz..she's in fact quite okay as a friend..

mmm...wonder why i bitch about a friend with the title "cellulite"? because she's like cellulite...UNSIGHTLY & UNWANTED!! *laughs* "i'm a bitch, i'm a lover, i'm a child, i'm a mother, i'm a sinner, i'm a saint, i do not feel ashamed" i'm just being mean...i dont mean it ah..she's still a friend.... *smilez*


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