happy new month!! *smilez* today is the first day of february...and i have decided to change my font... shall do it monthly...so that there's something new every month... (",) thought of changing the template of my blog too...but realized..that would be too troublesome...
mmm...recieved something cute today...from a colleague... as i am an idiot in computers...am just the end-user..unable to post that comic strip into my blog... but i can illustrate the comic strip in words:
The Plan for Today:
9:00am -------- switch on computer
9:05am -------- check email
9:10am -------- download virus
9:30am -------- call helpdesk
9:45 am to 5:30pm -------- spend rest the day relaxing while computer man fixes the computer
thought this was very funny...it reflects my exact sentiments!! *laughs* maybe should put this plan into action and see if it works! *laughs*
a friend commented that when i'm serious...i make a lot of sense...is that a compliment or an insult? i really wonder... i guess i am a girl with many faces.... i show different versions of myself to different people at different times... i guess this is just me... i guess i am just feeling insecure if somone can totally understand me...although i know this is impossible...but one never knows....that's why i would always show different versions to different people at different times... *smilez*
mmm...did anyone realize....whenver one wants to sign up for some community or dating thingy or whatsoever crap thing...they will always ask for the interests, favorite movies, favorite books and favorite songs....and i always have difficulties filling them up...and to make matters worse... they always ask you to describe yourself or to describe the people you want to meet...*sighz* if i know..i wouldnt have to join such communities right??
basically...i have many interests, many favorites, many personalities and many people i want to meet!! *laughs* anyway...i have so many favorites that i cannot list them out at all...*laughs* eh...like no one ask me about my interests or favorites....mmm....*shy*
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