mmm...many people may not know..but i actually made a trip to the Philippines in December 2004...09 Dec 04 to 13 Dec 04...the main reason for going was to attend Carl's wedding....on 12 Dec 04..actually have been wanting to blog about this but have always slipped my mind...*grins*
anyway...took the flight on 09 Dec 04 afternoon to Philippines....took Singapore to say...this is my FIRST time taking a SQ flight...was very very excited..wanted to watch movies....heh heh heh....if i didnt remember was a 3 hours plus flight...NO HANDSOME STEWARD AND PRETTY STEWARDESS!! anyway...there were a lot of movies...but i couldnt make up my mind to watch which one...because...most of them i had caught it and those that i had not..wasn't really interested....ended up watching "Moulin Rouge"...although had watched it before....loved the singing!! *smilez* and on the way back...watched "What Woman Wants"...quite funny....however..didnt manage to finish the SQ stopped the movie before i could finished....*mutter mutter* thing awfully cool was that for dessert...we were served ICE-CREAM!!!! *slurp slurp*
anyway....arrived safely at the was rather easy at Philippines Singapore, we have to opened up all our luggage for thorough shy...all the police officers saw my underwears..*grins* in Philippines, dont think there's much checks...and very interestingly, pick-up points were arranged in alphabetic order...Carl came with the wife-to-be, Emily, to pick us up in 2 cars...stayed in Mandarin Hotel....nice room...not too bad....went for some food as all of us were hungry after we settled down in our rooms....shared a room with princess mel and ms mah...arranged to meet in the lobby at 10am the next morning....
well...expectedly...woke up late...didnt had breakfast...Carl drove us around the main city of Manila...showing us some interesting places...from what i can remember...there's a place called "the old monies" and a place called "the new monies" where the richer people of Manila live....mmm...very very attracted to "the new monies"...and he told us about some Philippines fashion brands and some famous shopping malls...knowing that girls are shopaholics!!! *smilez* anyway..had lunch and Carl drove off to prepare for his wedding..while the 5 girls went on a shopping spree!!! *laughs* didnt do much sight-seeing as Carl was busy with his wedding preparation and the bosses were interested in shopping and so we spend most of our time shopping....*laughs*
mmm...the Filipinos are very very polite...the will go "yes mam, no mam, sorry mam, welcome mam etc" wherever you go....and before you enter a shopping mall..there will be security checks on the things you have in your bags....Levi's is very cheap over there..i bought a pair of jeans for myself...SGD 30 only...and a pair for my brother....SGD60 and it's selling SGD100+ in Singapore...*grins* other than that...the prices are pretty much the same.... ooh...and they sell pretty and cheap kids' clothings too...just too bad i dont have any kids....*laughs* but somehow..i managed to buy a skirt from there that fits me!! *laughs* i think Filipinos kids are fat....*grins* anyway...all in all...i bought for myself...2 skirts, 1 pair of jeans, 1 top and 1 cardigan... ooh..bought dried mangoes too...very cheap....
joke to share: This should be funny...enjoy!!
took a cab from this shopping mall and told the taxi driver..."mandarin oriental hotel please" and so the taxi drove off...however..the more he drove...the further he seemed to be driving away from our hotel...panicked and thought we had gotten up a pirate cab....suddenly the cab driver turned into Intercontinental Hotel and stopped for us...we were shocked....and said..."no no..we going to mandarin hotel" and he looked damn blur...and then suddenly...princess mel said " we need to go to mun-de-rin hotel" and the taxi driver finally understood us!!!
let's talk about the wedding...there's a church ceremony in the afternoon...very very grand..very very nice....the whole entourage was in fuchia....very nice and grand...the bride very pretty...the bridegroom very's a catholic wedding..held in a catholic church...very very nice....I LIKE...but i want my wedding to be a castle i will be going to Scotland...*laughs* at night...there's a dinner at Mandarin hotel...very nice...the food is not like our normal Chinese's a 8 course western meal....interesting and delicious...just a very simple wedding day..but it's very interesting and joyous event...anyway..was so happy for carl that i actually shed tears of joy...*shy*
Left to Right: Sharon, Cheryl, Me, Emily, Carl, Jill, Se Wai and Melissaoh...carl's a very considerate person..he got his friends to ferry us to and fro from the hotel to the church....and knowing that i'm single and very available and loves BMW...he actually arranged for a single, available guy who drives a BMW to ferry me, melissa and jill...not in his BMW but in his Opel!! AMAZING!!!! and he has a chauffeur!! *drools*
mmm...seemed to have left out whom did i go with....let's see...there were 6 of us in the photos...and we are all bosses and's how it is:Sharon is my boss.....Cheryl is Jill's boss and Se Wai is Melissa's boss!!! AMAZING!!!