my first long weekend in Hong Kong. many asked me why didnt i go back to Singapore. I forgot there's a long weekend and so i didnt plan. when i realized that, it's too late. all the cheap tickets have been booked. hahaha. stupid me. anyway i had quite a good weekend. quite eventful.
On thursday night, i got invited to a friend's bbq. it's quite fun but yet boring. fun because i havent bbqed for a long time and we did this on a rooftop. it's boring becuase they tend to speak cantonese and i need to concentrate to understand them. sighz. my brains are tired lah. and i think it's pretty rude because there was an ang-moh there. so i tried my best to translate whatever i can to him lah. there was food and booze, very very good chilling-out section. played some stupid games and made people drink. hahaha!
On friday, i went to get my facial done. need to look good mah. haha wanted to do massage but then not enough time as i had plans to watch "17 Again" . yay! zac efron! he is soooo good-looking. all 5 of us, working adults were like gushing when zac wore the white t-shirt, with jeans and jacket and walked out of his R8. amazingly handsome! hee hee overall, it's an alright moive, nothing to rave about but nothing to complain either. had dinner and went off because i had plans to visit Macau the next day.
On saturday, supposed to go Macau. but because HK has its first confirmed case of swine flu, my friend's mum and herself got paranoid and decided to cancel the trip. sigh. i was very very disappointed but i dont want to upset them. i was also annoyed because they were like " oh my god, the govt is taking it very seriously. they are quarantineing everyone from the hotel. " WTF. this is the BARE MINIMUM to be done. agree? i mean seriously, if there's a confirmed case, that is what the govt should do. contain and control. actually the govt is kinda dumb. they should have moved that group of people to the designated quarantine village where there is more air and everything. then clean and disinfect the whole hotel. apparently, the guests were complaining now as the chambermaids did not clean their room for the past 3 days. YUCKS. brainless. anyway, so no macau, i spent my day cleaning my house with dettol! haha and then i took a trip to Stanley market and Stanley beach. quite shioks i must say. i have found my beach to suntan. but i am sooo surprised the beach is sooo freaking small and littered with people. amazing. here are some pictures:

On sunday, i went to church. a friend invited me to listen to this sermon. i thought it was really really really good. i really really really liked it and i think i want to go back to finish the whole sermon. the pastor is teaching on the book of Ruth and it's amazingly heavy but yet light-hearted. after that, i went to play mahjong. hee hee. super shioks! my friend cooked for me lunch and dinner! i miss home-cooked food and we played mahjong, the shenzhen style. haha. i had a few winning games but i also had my fair share of losses. in the end, i lose HKD 30! it would be a much happier ending if i had won money but oh well, it's good fun.
quite happy with my long weekend. another holiday coming end May. i am wondering if i should travel to anywhere. but i have one issue. M O N E Y! darn!
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