
Thursday, April 16, 2009


see, i got tanned!!! yeah, just got back from another sun-filled holiday. hee hee. after i got back, many told me this " wah, you are very tanned now " and some told me this " i think you have enough sun for the next 3 months " and i have some who saw me and said " oh my god, you look ilke a farmer! " HAHAHA. anyhow, i am happy with my tan. i havent gotten a tan for a loooooooooong time. seriously. it's about time. i like it no matter how much people said i am wayyyy too tanned.

anyway, this trip is a mixture of fun and boredom. initially, this is a trip for 5 of us but 2 of my friends bailed out because their other halves dont allow them to go. SERIOUSLY, they are losers. we offered to ask the other halves to come along, they refused. i dont understand why would they disallow and one word from the other half and my friends just bailed out? i am speechless. and so i was stuck with a couple, in the honeymoon stage. was a little hestitant about this but what the heck, i paid almost SGD 700 for my tickets and so i am so going to go! anyway, i am pretty alright with this couple. both of them are my friends but seriously, i've never seen a couple who laughs SOOOO MUCH. they were laughing out loud EVERY OTHER 5 minutes. seriously, sometimes, i feel kinda left out and i just walked on my own. and this is where the boredom kicked in. i mean i wanna do activities and the couple didnt stop me's boring to do it alone. and so for the whole trip, i literally parked my BIG FAT ASS on the beach. sighz. no diving, no snokelling, no clubbing or anything. at times, i feel so extra and just felt like going out to venture on my own but yet, i dont feel safe. sighz. anyway, it's not that bad because there were moments where the 3 of us can just chill over beers. hahaha. well, i wont say i wont go travelling with them again but if i were to go with them again, i MUST and i WILL bring my own partner! on a happier note, i've never seen my girlfriend so happy with a guy before and so i really feel the love that she's getting and all. so im all good!

not much pictures taken but here are some:

can you see the girls dancing? they basically only have 1 move. HAHA. but i kinda feel sad for them. i see many young and pretty girls ( or boys ) along the street picking up very old and sleazy ang-mohs. in fact, while i was getting my pedicure, i overheard one girl picking up her customer. she said to him " you can book a room. you, me, my friend, your friend can all stay together for 3 days but you have to pay for everything " never seen such a direct approach before. way to go! haha

supposedly one of the most happening (and sleazy) places in Phuket. wanted to club but the sleaze factor is so high that i lose all the interest to even step into any clubs. haha.

the place where i park my ass. HAHA. basically my hotel is like 10 m away from the beach. i only need like 5 seconds to walk from my hotel to the beach. hee hee. if only i have a house by the sea like that. BUT..just imagine, 2 years ago, the tsunami hit the town, RIGHT HERE. on an interesting note, there were many ang-mohs and not much asians along the beach. and many ang-mohs are actually nude tanning. and i spotted some old ladies doing that. the hilarious thing is...i couldnt differentiate their boobs from their tummies. HAHA. sorry i know im mean but the boobs are sooo saggy that they dont looks like boobs anymore. and i feel that Phuket has become more expensive. wanted to do parasailing and i offered 700 Baht. NONE of them wanted to do my business. they are asking 1000 Baht from the stupid ang-mohs who think that a price from 1200 baht to 1000 baht is a good bargain. ANNOYED.

anyway, i want to go back there. but this time, i wanna go diving and island hopping. no more parking. hee hee. anyone interested?


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