finally manage to watch what i wanna watch on Sunday. it was an impromptu decision. was surfing the internet at 420pm and decided to catch F&F4 at 540pm. although i havent heard good reviews about this show but it's a MUST-WATCH for me. i love the cars used in this show. not that i know a lot about cars but they are sooo pretty and so fast. and i simply love the ways the drivers drove at full speed even when reversing and all the drifting and shit. in this movie, there are a lot more other cars than the usual fast cars. and a lot more american muscle. some of them looked really nice and sexy but some simply looked ugly. yes i only care about the looks and not the engines and what-nots of the cars. however, i am EXTREMELY happy to see my skyline again and to see Vin Diesel. he's sooooooooooo macho and manly. in terms of storyline, it has none. haha! but im 200% sure they will be coming up with Fast & Furious 5! cant wait to watch that.
isnt the skyline chio???
sooo suave!!!

then on tuesday evening, i decided to "expose" the arty-farty side of me. i bought a ticket to watch the play "Equus". not sure if anyone has any impression but this is the play which Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) went nude for. unfortunately, the play running in Hong Kong does not have him but still, i wanted to watch. it's at the Fringe Club and it's quite an arty-farty place. the theatre is really small and the props are minimum BUT the play is AMAZING. no wonder there were so much hpyed about it when Daniel Radcliffe took on this role. It's reallya very very good play. It explores religion, social status, passion, sexuality and zoophilia. as i watched the play, many many thoughts ran through my mind. it's like every single movement, every single act, definitely is more than what im seeing. i believe everything has a metaphor or a pun. it definitely meant to express another side of things and how the writer/producer or whatever you call him is trying to inform the audience. i believe it even has a stinge of homosexuality. i really really enjoy it a lot and i recommend EVERYONE to catch it if it's playing. on a sidenote, the boy who played the role which daniel radcliffe played looks a bit like daniel himself. HAHA. maybe i was imagining him to be daniel, but anyhow, please go watch it if possible. i would like to discuss this play with anyone who has watched it, i feel like going back to an english literature class! why didnt we study this during school time? sighz. not sure if it helps to rouse any interest but look at how toned harry potter has become! sexxxxxxxxxxy!

but i must say the play is rather disturbing. but still A W E S O M E!!!
I managed to catch fast and furious yesterday
Vin diesel !!! definitely the MAN even tho i hate his voice hahaha. But yea he made paul walker look like nothing. haha
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