she didnt know how, when and why he started talking to her. she couldnt remember and she didnt bother to. it all started with lunch. he talked to her, she responded. he asked her out for lunch, she said yes. one lunch led to another. another lunch led to dinner. somehow, she and he started hanging out together more and more.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
It started and ended with "L"
she didnt know how, when and why he started talking to her. she couldnt remember and she didnt bother to. it all started with lunch. he talked to her, she responded. he asked her out for lunch, she said yes. one lunch led to another. another lunch led to dinner. somehow, she and he started hanging out together more and more.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Cars & Horses

but i must say the play is rather disturbing. but still A W E S O M E!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
see, i got tanned!!! yeah, just got back from another sun-filled holiday. hee hee. after i got back, many told me this " wah, you are very tanned now " and some told me this " i think you have enough sun for the next 3 months " and i have some who saw me and said " oh my god, you look ilke a farmer! " HAHAHA. anyhow, i am happy with my tan. i havent gotten a tan for a loooooooooong time. seriously. it's about time. i like it no matter how much people said i am wayyyy too tanned.
anyway, this trip is a mixture of fun and boredom. initially, this is a trip for 5 of us but 2 of my friends bailed out because their other halves dont allow them to go. SERIOUSLY, they are losers. we offered to ask the other halves to come along, they refused. i dont understand why would they disallow and one word from the other half and my friends just bailed out? i am speechless. and so i was stuck with a couple, in the honeymoon stage. was a little hestitant about this but what the heck, i paid almost SGD 700 for my tickets and so i am so going to go! anyway, i am pretty alright with this couple. both of them are my friends but seriously, i've never seen a couple who laughs SOOOO MUCH. they were laughing out loud EVERY OTHER 5 minutes. seriously, sometimes, i feel kinda left out and i just walked on my own. and this is where the boredom kicked in. i mean i wanna do activities and the couple didnt stop me's boring to do it alone. and so for the whole trip, i literally parked my BIG FAT ASS on the beach. sighz. no diving, no snokelling, no clubbing or anything. at times, i feel so extra and just felt like going out to venture on my own but yet, i dont feel safe. sighz. anyway, it's not that bad because there were moments where the 3 of us can just chill over beers. hahaha. well, i wont say i wont go travelling with them again but if i were to go with them again, i MUST and i WILL bring my own partner! on a happier note, i've never seen my girlfriend so happy with a guy before and so i really feel the love that she's getting and all. so im all good!
not much pictures taken but here are some:
can you see the girls dancing? they basically only have 1 move. HAHA. but i kinda feel sad for them. i see many young and pretty girls ( or boys ) along the street picking up very old and sleazy ang-mohs. in fact, while i was getting my pedicure, i overheard one girl picking up her customer. she said to him " you can book a room. you, me, my friend, your friend can all stay together for 3 days but you have to pay for everything " never seen such a direct approach before. way to go! haha
supposedly one of the most happening (and sleazy) places in Phuket. wanted to club but the sleaze factor is so high that i lose all the interest to even step into any clubs. haha.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
(2) the girls DO NOT SHAVE! yes, they do not shave AT ALL. looking at them, they're usually quite slim and fair. but the moment they raise their arms, OMG!! it's hairy and long. it's super disgusting. but like what my friend said " they are being natural. we shave and we're artificial. give them credit lah " but seriously, it's yucks and double yucks!
(3) everyone spits everywhere! seriously, what is their problem? do they always have to spit. they even spit on the beach. so i dare not walk around bare-foot, fearing that i will step on the disgusting spit. but some of them are better. after spitting, they will use the sand to cover up. haha so it's not that bad. some just ignore. yucks, yucks and triple yucks!
(4) public shower rooms have no doors! i was shocked actually. when i stepped into the shower rooms to rinse myself, i only see naked women! and the shower rooms have no doors. so while waiting for my turn to step into the shower, i have to stare at the naked woman showering in front of me. seriously, if the woman is sexy and all, it's kinda like free porn. but like i have said, they usually dont shave and they always spit, it's kinda disgusting. and if i dont look at them, it's super weird if i look at the other ladies who are equally naked and waiting in line. if i look down, it's weird as well. and i need to make sure no one cuts my queue. and so for 10 mins, i have to stare at this middle-age woman showering in front of me. quite an experience. haha!
(5) all taxi drivers are annoying! the moment you board the cab, they will start asking if you wanna do any touristy stuffs and they can give you special rates and etc. SUPER ANNOYING. i almost wanted to tell them to shuddup. i mean sometimes, i didnt respond and they keep on talking. i was pisssed a few times that i just told them " i already told you i am not going to do whatever you've suggested. just bring me to the place i wanna go. thanks" and then i started talking to my friend in english and ignored the driver. super disturbing.