on Friday the 13th, we had our annual gathering...*laughs* yes, my secondary 4 class will have an annual gathering...but not everyone will turn up...only certain people will come..but it's good enough...just a short catch up with one another is quite a good experience...
anyway, we met up for a dinner at his nana thai restaurant at far east...which we were given a "private room" which looked and functioned more like a storeroom...and the food was quite nice...and this picture was taken after our meal...2 of them commented that we looked like we were at some JB food center...*laughs* after dinner, we proceeded to chill out at indochine...
kudos must be given to the organizer...he's the guy standing on the extreme right...he's always ever so diligent to call up every single one of us to organize this gathering...without him, i think we wouldnt have met up at all...thanks a million...
basically, i think everyone kinda looked the same...but somehow some of them has become more handsome...*grins* talking about handsome, i think the guy sitting on the extreme right is so damn bloody cute...as i quote the girl sitting next to him : he's got a boyish charms...hahahaha...although another friend commented that he look beng..but well, in my eyes, he's kinda cute and all...tall, dark and handsome...with brains and a good character..where to find such gems? and lo and behold...HE'S NOT ATTACHED!!! *laughs* think it's time for me to strike....*grins*
one of the gains of this outing is that i got to meet the girl sitting beside handsome...she used to sit in front of me and we always talked about all sorts of rubbish and i like talking to her because she will share with you anything under the sun...after O levels, somehow, we simply lost touch and have not seen her around at all..but miraculously she turned up at this gathering and i was really really glad that i got her number...she's one adventurous lady..she dives, she wakeboards, she dances, she's learning how to ride a bike, she clubs, she smokes, etc..hahaha...but she's always with my handsome...they were like lovebirds the whole night...*jealous*
mmm..if one were to look at the 4th girl sitting down from the right...and the 5th guy next to her...frankly spekaing..i thought they look damn compatible!! *laughs* and i think they are rather close...hee hee hee...maybe they are already together? *laughs* but i think it would be good if they actually got together....because i think they have the same interests and can really clinque rather well..and somehow, i thought they got the husband-wife look....*laughs*
most of the guys are still schooling..in their final year of NUS engineering..and i think they are all damn bloody smart..all aiming for 1st class honors...so i guess they will become eligible bachelors in years to come..talking about that...i think handsome was once a CLEO eligible bachelor finalist..*winks*
anyway, i realized some things...ever since secondary school, the guys simply love to irriate me...no matter what i say or do..they simply have some rubbish to rebutt...for example, i said the wrong name to one of my classmates on that night..and for like the next 30 minutes..the rest of the guys kept harping on it..and after which, no matter what i say...they will have something to rebutt and irritate me.....when i go JC...the same things happen to my JC classmates and seniors...and when i started working..the same happens to me with my male collegues...frankly speaking..i dont think i have a "rebuttal" and "irritable" face..but somehow, it just happens....*sighz* but to put it in a nicer way...the guys are concentrating their attention on me! *grins*
ooh, this other guy who was not in the picture brought his girlfriend along..hahahaha..wonder why also..but the girlfriend looked young but behaved like an ah lian..hahahaha...but it's alright..my friend also quite beng...but a beng on clutches..hahahaha...this guy ah.never take good care of his leg...tsk tsk..but anyhow, glad that he got a girl to take care of him....he used to sit beside me in class and i think we were kinda close...a nice guy to talk to....many thought we were together...or rather..i'm interested in him...*laughs* so childish..hahahahaha...but they were good memories....
our next gathering should be in May..and i suggested going MOS..hahahaha...or sentosa...some said KTV...but i am more keen on MOS and Sentosa...wonder if the proposed May outing will actually happen...*smilez*
oh my god, hannah! AHS!!! HAhahaahaha!
sec 4 schoolmates omg that like unbelieveable. i bet you had a great time
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