am such a BIG failure!!! went to collect my diploma results today from the ABRSM main office...was hoping that i can pass the exams...thought i did okay....but when i opened up the envelope...i saw the word..."UNSUCCESSFUL" i walked along the singapore river..was wondering if i should just jump in and end my life...*sob sob sob*
frankly speaking..when i read the comments by the examiners...i didnt think i did that badly...they said in overall there was some musical insight but not enough...there was struggle...overpedalling...erratic rhythm..mmm...seriously speaking..i dont remembered all these...*laughs* anyhow, it wasnt a good failure..i really fail fail fail...*sighz* i only got 29% out of 100%...horrible right...and the passing mark is only 40%...there are 3 sections to pass and i barely passed 1 of them...
frankly speaking..when i read the comments by the examiners...i didnt think i did that badly...they said in overall there was some musical insight but not enough...there was struggle...overpedalling...erratic rhythm..mmm...seriously speaking..i dont remembered all these...*laughs* anyhow, it wasnt a good failure..i really fail fail fail...*sighz* i only got 29% out of 100%...horrible right...and the passing mark is only 40%...there are 3 sections to pass and i barely passed 1 of them...
now am not sure if i should retake the exams..if i were to retake...i have to pay a hefty sum of $600!! goodness gracious me....i think they increase the price again....why do i feel like i'm buying a car? the COE is a piece of paper which i have to pay a hefty sum just to get the car...and now i've to pay a hefty sum just to get my certificate...*sighz* i really dont know what to do....shall consult my piano teacher...
it seemed rather meaningless for me to take teaching diploma if i cannot even pass the performing diploma...but then again..i'm not a born performer...*laughs* actually quite student ask about my results and i told them this: ooh, teacher hannah fail her exams...HOW HOW HOW? *sighz*
many friends are concerned about my results...and many friends have prayed hard for me...but somehow..i've failed and i'm sorry sia.... but it's really nice to know so many people care about me...*smilez*
Hey there, don't be too discouraged. Think it through first as to whether you wanna retake... but the thing is, don't lose confidence in yourself. =)
yeah babe. somehow music really seems to be in ur blood and u appear to take joy in it. Pick urself up and we're behinde u all the way. Ur Friday must have been a happening one, so many things going on in ur life :).
Zhixiang: yeah..thanks! no worries..i wont lose confidence...but seriously i wonder if i should retake as i am not a performer...=)
Icedy: *laughs* music in my blood? i guess i give normal people the impression that i can play..but to the professional, i'm rubbish..*laughs* anyway, i'm alright..not to worry...=) thanks!
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