this is the latest movie to catch recently...much hype has been built around this movie...and being an avid fan of harry..i was also extremely excited about this movie...and llike all the harry potter movies that i have caught...it's free plus free lunch @ marche and free arcade!! *laughs*
lunch at marche was really fufilling..because it's free...i tend to order the more expensive stuffs... if i were to go on my own, i would order a plate of plain rosti..but because it's free...i ordered rosti with sausages...*laughs* if i were to go on my own, i would have order a plate of banana crepe..but because it's free..i ordered banana crepe with ice-cream...if i were to go on my own, i might not have ordered any drinks..but because it's free..i ordered like 3 root beers and 2 barcadi breezers....*laughs* i'm such a cheapo..such a typical cheapo singaporean!!
anyway, after lunch, we proceeded to the theatre for the movie...and when we arrived..there were people sitting on our seats..and they claimed that others have claimed their seats and it's free seatings..and so we claimed other people's seats..and then when the movie has only started, another group of people approached us and said we claimed their seats..and so we went back to the group who claimed our seats..and while all these commotion was going on...the main culprits were asking us to quieten down because the show had started...WTF!!! by the way, the main culprits who first claimed other people's seats are a family of ang-mohs...fucking ang-mohs..they think they ang-mohs big fuck sia...they simply refused to move and even said that we were ridiculous...so the big group of us...8 of us simply sat at the steps and hence, given no choice, the fucking ang-mohs had to move back to their seats...and that was then we realized why they refused to take their original seats...they were given the 2nd row!!! *laughs* actually i wasnt really involved in this "arguement" as i was so damn engrossed in the movie...
but i must say...the movie is not as good as i thought it would be...not because everyone has grown up..but i thought the movie was not exactly correct...the main nitty-gritty was left out while some scenes were expanded unnecessary...like for example, i was hoping to see four duelling sessions with the dragons..but only harry's session was shown and it was totally way-off the book...and the dragons were supposed to be in four different colors...which was why i was excited to see them...but disappointed...and i dont know why...it seemed to me that hermione was in love with harry but in the book that's not the case....not sure why did the director protray it this way..kinda duhz....
as for the actors and characters..somehow, as the boys grow...all their hair grow..and they simply refused to cut...*yucks* all of them had messy and unkept hair...flap flap..very ah beng...and harry's hair was always messy in an ugly manner..but i must say...emma watson (herminone) has really blossomed into a pretty lass..reminds me of nicole kidman...*laughs* and harry's love interest cho chang was not bad..but i think i could do a better job....*laughs* and i hate the new dumbledore...he seemed smaller and not so dignified...unlike the the late richard harris ( hope i got the name right...*grins*) this dumbledore seemed like the grouchy old man from the cartoon "courage, the cowardly dog"...this dumbledore actually "screamed" at harry...so duhz...this dumbledore looked dumb and nitwitted...to me..dumbledore should be wise and kind...but anyhow, professor moody was not too bad...quite a good protrayal...
anyhow, am going to re-read the book again...*laughs* actually frankly speaking..i think the first movie was the best...not that the other 3 was lousy..but somehow, i guess the first movie satisfy my imagination the most...anyhow, i am still a big fan of harry potter and friends....daniel radcliffe was kinda cute...*winks*
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