anyway..this trip to bangkok not too bad....i went shopping!!! for this trip..i spend about S$500....on food and shopping...i bought 3 tops, 3 bottoms, 2 bras, 5 rings, 1 belt, 3 slippers, 1 shoe for myself...*laughs* and i bought food for my mummy....PS2 and gameboy games for my brothers....actually i didnt buy as much as i thought i would....because (1) the clothes are not really my type and not my size....the thais are really skinny...*sighz* and (2) i have 2 old folks waiting for me whenever i'm shopping...*sighz* because i went with my dark lover and his parents....actually i thought the parents will shop on their own and me and friend will shop on our own..but i was so bloody damn wrong!!! my friend NEVER BRING A SINGLE CENT for this trip...he's practically a pauper...*laughs* whenever he saw something he likes...he needs to go.. "mummy!!!" tsk tsk tsk....and i did ask him if he could get some $$$ from the parents..and shopped on our own...but i couldnt remember what he said..but it didnt happened..if you ask me...it's really quite duhz..but it's alright....i survived!! *laughs*
we went quite few shopping centers....the famous MBK, the famous Chaptuchak, city center & indra center...we missed out Pratunam...mmm..must visit it the next time..and as we walked around the neighborhood...we found more shopping centers...must visit them next time...actually for this trip..we keep going back to MBK....SIANZ!!! it's like..the first day we touched down..MBK..the next day...half day at city center and indra center..then back to MBK..the next day...went chaptuchak half day....then MBK...and the reason why we go back there....my friend wanted to get the bag that he's been eyeing....we've been there twice..and he didnt want to get it..must go back the 3rd time..then he buy...and the 3rd time..we really just went back to get the bag and then back to hotel...SIANZ!!!! but he got a really good deal..managed to bargain the price from 1200 thai baht to 700 thai baht...
talking about bargaining..i think i am quite auntified...*laughs* was buying the games for my brother...and because i bought quite a few..i actually bargained with the shopkeeper to give me 2 free games for the 10 games that i bought...*laughs* and my friend just took one of the free game...sighz...actually didnt want to give him that free game..but he assumed that i was going to give him...so alright loh..give him lah...i can afford since he's a pauper!! *laughs* and besides..because he didnt bring a SINGLE CENT but yet want to get some discs for his wife...so he still owe me $S16!!! *laughs*
eating was cheap in bangkok....with just 120 thai baht (about S$5) ..you can get a good and decent set of japanese meal...we had japanese ramen in one of these restaurant...and even got a free green tea ice cream..actually it's not free..but because the girls forgotten to charge us for that ice cream and we only realized it after we paid...so be it..it's free....*laughs* and while we were inside that restaurant...2 handsome ang-mohs walked in...wah..they were really cute and sexy..was staring at them..the whole time....but they were taking pictures of each other in the restaurant..and i started to wonder... "GAYS?" *laughs*
and for the first time..i woke up 7am EVERY SINGLE MORNING...*laughs* as the family that i went with is the "get-up-early-sleep-early" kind..i have to follow....it's rather difficult as i'm the "get-up-late-sleep-late" kind...i dont even get up so early for work!!!! and also...this family does things very quickly...they bathe quickly, eat quickly, shop quickly and goes to the toilet damn quickly...i'm always the last to finish my business in the toilet...regardless of whether i'm the first or last to enter the cubicle....*sighz* paiseh leh..always make them wait for me....*laughs*
and funnily..apparently the thais dont think that i look like a singaporean....*laughs* asked one of the shopkeeper to guess which country i am from..and he went from japan to korea to china to taiwan to indonesia to philippines to south africa to malaysia...we have to hint to him that it's somewhere near malaysia then he went..."ooh...singapore!!" *laughs* then he started to say good things about singapore....hahahaha...and at the airport..when i was checking in my luggage..the guy asked me.... "korea?" i wanted very much to reply... "i wish i am...." but of course..i didnt...i told him... "singapore!!" hahaha...
ooh...by the way, the taxis in thailand are really colorful....there are all sorts of colors...remember the australia song...." red and yellow and pink and green...purple and orange and blue...i can sing a rainbow...sing a rainbow..sing a rainbow or two" no need to go australia to see these colors...go bangkok and see the taxis...they have taxis in all these colors!! very very prettty!!!! *grins*
cool man. see i told u 500 hahaha
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