this has been an eventful week for me....could say it was quite an exciting week for me..or rather..eventful is a better word...some activities which i have carried out or will be carrying out may not be exciting at all....*laughs*
Monday: Piano Lesson

because my piano kid has to go for church camp....and so we brought forward the piano lesson from Friday to normally, my Monday nights are free..but this week....i gave piano lesson....
Tuesday: Brazilian Waxing

because a friend was very interested to get a brazilian wax...and since my "time is almost up"...we arranged for an appointment to go for was my friend's 1st time..and she's like super nervous and all..while it's my 3rd time..but i am equally nervous..but this time..i was rather satisfied with the service as it was rather clean..but it hurts when the tweezer is used....*laughs*
Wednesday: Pedicure

because am going to attend a wedding on saturday...decide to go for pedicure...and just happened that there was a 50% discount...and so all the more i want to go....why not go for manicure as well? well...because i play the piano..and am still's not worth to get a manicure done...anyway..did a french pedicure for 20 bucks...and am satisfied with the service and results...*smilez*
Thursday: Move - Mr & Mrs Smith

got free tickets to watch this show...*grins* courtesy of my was at golden village great world city..and it was simply food....and it's the special theatre...with only 30 seats and it's cushion and with blanket and there are people serving food...i feel like a princess...i think it's some citibank gold thingy...but it was simply great...the movie..alright if you asked me..not fantastic and not worth the money to a slight twist in the story which made me go.."OIC" and not "WAH AMAZING"...brad and angelina were beautiful people.. that's about it...and one more thing...the word "fuck" was not used at all...hahahaha...
Monday: Piano Lesson
because my piano kid has to go for church camp....and so we brought forward the piano lesson from Friday to normally, my Monday nights are free..but this week....i gave piano lesson....
Tuesday: Brazilian Waxing
because a friend was very interested to get a brazilian wax...and since my "time is almost up"...we arranged for an appointment to go for was my friend's 1st time..and she's like super nervous and all..while it's my 3rd time..but i am equally nervous..but this time..i was rather satisfied with the service as it was rather clean..but it hurts when the tweezer is used....*laughs*
Wednesday: Pedicure
because am going to attend a wedding on saturday...decide to go for pedicure...and just happened that there was a 50% discount...and so all the more i want to go....why not go for manicure as well? well...because i play the piano..and am still's not worth to get a manicure done...anyway..did a french pedicure for 20 bucks...and am satisfied with the service and results...*smilez*
Thursday: Move - Mr & Mrs Smith
got free tickets to watch this show...*grins* courtesy of my was at golden village great world city..and it was simply food....and it's the special theatre...with only 30 seats and it's cushion and with blanket and there are people serving food...i feel like a princess...i think it's some citibank gold thingy...but it was simply great...the movie..alright if you asked me..not fantastic and not worth the money to a slight twist in the story which made me go.."OIC" and not "WAH AMAZING"...brad and angelina were beautiful people.. that's about it...and one more thing...the word "fuck" was not used at all...hahahaha...
Friday: PCK Musical free tickets to catch this local the singapore indoor stadium...which i think was rather dumb...we spent $$$ to build the esplanade but like not useful....anyway..maybe it was too expensive to hold it there...anyway..was expecting something quite good as it was publisized that it's a huge production and all...but honestly's not that great...the cast cannot sing that well except for Gurmit Singh and Tan Kheng Hua who also barely can make it...the storyline kinda boring..the music not that nice...but my bro enjoyed it though...maybe it's very easy to watch....but one thing i like about this musical...there's a rapping portion...*laughs*
Saturday: Wedding
not lah..not MINE..just that a colleague is getting married..and i am part of the sister gang..but somehow..i am not excited about feeling rather sian actually...dont feel the happiness, joy and excitement for this colleague of mine...actually we are not close at all...dont know why am i part of her sister gang...guess she's desperate?? by right..i am supposed to reach her house at 7am...and now it's 2am and i am still here...blogging away....and did not even bother to buy new clothes...doing my hair...doing my just going as if i am going to a picnic?? a friend told me to create trouble for the groom and to which i reply..."see how lah..sianz..not interested..." sighz...given this attitude..would i ruin my colleague's wedding? hopefully not..anyway..let's pray that there are handsome guys to drool at tomorrow..but the probability of this happening is 0%...*laughs*
Sunday: Lessons Day
because i have to attend the wedding on saturday..i have to reschedule all my piano lessons to sunday...*mutter mutter*..hate to reschedule as i simply finds it confusing..actually more of troublesome...stupid..but anyhow...have done it..and from 12pm to 7pm..i will be having lessons after lessons...going to be a hectic day...and it will be the Sighz-Sunday-Is-Over-Monday-Got-To-Work night again....*SIGHZ*
~salutes~ Wow piano teacher, impressive. I'm not cultured ~sighs~ i dont have any other talent other den whinning.
*laughs* thanks!! no lah..i also not cultured...i am the lucky kind..manage to just pass..not talented at to work extra hard..and i am damn lousy...
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