this picture is soooo cute right? i wonder who took this picture and what makes the baby so annoyed. to be honest, im not a big fan of babies but this picture is really pretty cute.
anyway, i wanted to complain about how inconsiderate hong kong-ers can be. it's farking annoying. i was sooo annoyed by the fact that they can be sooo inconsiderate.
on one occasion, i had dinner with some colleagues - 3 locals and 1 singaporean. this singaporean was actually in HK for holiday and decided to meet up with us for dinner. this guy is an indian-sri lankan but somehow, he can speak mandarin. accordingly to him, he picked it up in army. anyway, these 3 locals were soooo farking annoying. they were speaking in cantonese! seriously, yes this guy understands mandarin but he is NOT a chinese and why and how can he understand cantonese? they were conversing totally in cantonese right in front of the poor guy. i mean come on, he CANNOT understand what they were trying to tell him at all. i had to kept saying " hey, english please ". i really have no freaking idea why they kept speaking in a foreign language. so inconsiderate! what is wrong with these people?
another evidence that the locals are inconsiderate is when they refused to move their big fat butt after their meal during the busy lunch hours. on several separate occasion, i had to wait for some idiots to finish their nonsensical chatting ( i assumed they were talking about rubbish after lunch ) even though they had finished their food and drinks and were just sitting at the table chatting. God gave them eyes to see and they should be able to see that there was an extra long queue of people waiting to get a table so that we could all have our lunch. seriously, this is PURE COMMON SENSE and these people did not have it at all. i am so annoyed at them!! if they wanted to chat, go to a coffee house where it's meant for chatting and chilling and dont hog the seats at the busy restaurants/cafes/eateries where hungry people were waiting for their chance to fill their stomach.
argh. hate these farking idiots.
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