
Saturday, August 29, 2009

What's Worse?

have been wondering recently abut the different situations that a person can be in, for no reason at all. haha guess i am trying to make myself think more. but it turns out, when i do that, i think of stupid things. haha. i guess im just super lame and super boliao.


...having a female boss or having a male boss who behaves/thinks like a woman?
personally, both are equally bad.

...having greasy hair or pimply skin?
i rather have greasy hair. at least i can wash them and they shouldnt turn greasy immediately. so i would have non-greasy hair at least 2 hours a day, assuming i wash my hair twice a day. pimply skin, it will take ages to clear up.

...being a nerd or being a bimbo?
definitely bimbo. but i believe some would rather be a bimbo. at least bimbos are popular, in some sense.

...dying from an accident or being paralyzed from an accident?
i would die, for sure.

...losing your legs or losing your arms?
again, both are equally bad. cannot imagine losing my limbs.

...being fat and tall or fat and short?
one will be called a giant or wrestler if you're the former. if im the latter, people would probably just called me round. which sounds cuter. haha

...being a brat or being a bitch?
personally, i dont know. maybe being the bitch is worse.

...having body odor or having bad breath?
equally BAD.

...having no friends or having enemies?
being lonely is definitely much better than being hated.

...having a handsome but dumb boyfriend or having an ugly but intelligent boyfriend?
well, i guess i would be able to accept the latter in the long-run. but in the short-run, i should prefer the former. haha

...not being able to swim or not being able to cycle?
definitely swim. i loooove water sports!

guess im really lame. haha!

Friday, August 21, 2009


this picture is soooo cute right? i wonder who took this picture and what makes the baby so annoyed. to be honest, im not a big fan of babies but this picture is really pretty cute.

anyway, i wanted to complain about how inconsiderate hong kong-ers can be. it's farking annoying. i was sooo annoyed by the fact that they can be sooo inconsiderate.

on one occasion, i had dinner with some colleagues - 3 locals and 1 singaporean. this singaporean was actually in HK for holiday and decided to meet up with us for dinner. this guy is an indian-sri lankan but somehow, he can speak mandarin. accordingly to him, he picked it up in army. anyway, these 3 locals were soooo farking annoying. they were speaking in cantonese! seriously, yes this guy understands mandarin but he is NOT a chinese and why and how can he understand cantonese? they were conversing totally in cantonese right in front of the poor guy. i mean come on, he CANNOT understand what they were trying to tell him at all. i had to kept saying " hey, english please ". i really have no freaking idea why they kept speaking in a foreign language. so inconsiderate! what is wrong with these people?

another evidence that the locals are inconsiderate is when they refused to move their big fat butt after their meal during the busy lunch hours. on several separate occasion, i had to wait for some idiots to finish their nonsensical chatting ( i assumed they were talking about rubbish after lunch ) even though they had finished their food and drinks and were just sitting at the table chatting. God gave them eyes to see and they should be able to see that there was an extra long queue of people waiting to get a table so that we could all have our lunch. seriously, this is PURE COMMON SENSE and these people did not have it at all. i am so annoyed at them!! if they wanted to chat, go to a coffee house where it's meant for chatting and chilling and dont hog the seats at the busy restaurants/cafes/eateries where hungry people were waiting for their chance to fill their stomach.

argh. hate these farking idiots.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

what's going on?

woah, almost 2 weeks since i last updated this thingy. am pretty too lazy to do it and also basically nothing exciting was happening to me. sad but true. work is as usual. the same old shit. social life is as usual. the same old plain white piece of paper.

oh, went back home for a short holiday over the national's day weekend. nope, i am not a patriotic person. a friend/colleague's wedding is the reason. the wedding was pretty nice and simple. met up with friends. good catching up session. also a good drinking session. managers were drunk and started dancing, jumping and talking non-stop rubbish. hilarious.

oh met up with my primary school friends. yes, havent met them for freaking 16 years. was afraid that it would be awkward as i was never close to them or all the shit. just started chatting with one of the guys as he has a bloomberg and so we can ib chat. then was kinda chatting with the other guy over msn. and the other rest, over Facebook. to be honest, facebook has brought back many friends for me. anyway, met up with them in st james, after the wedding. was kinda wasted and so i was totally crazy. they couldnt stop laughing and kept saying im crazy. oh well, after 16 years, this is the "new me ". haha! anyhow, it was pretty awesome. we chatted and did some catching up and i forced them to have supper/breakfast with me. haha! anyway, it was good fun.

oh, also met up with secondary school friends. was chilling at some place in katong and then we decided to continue at the KTV. amazingly, everyone's kinda wasted as well. drinking and singing from 2am to 530am. super sleepy and all. but again, it was good fun.

oh, one of my secondary school friends is getting married next year. super excited. cant wait. going to be the bride's entourage. we were discussing about the colors, the materials, the style of the dresses that we're going to wear. apparently, the day color is either fuchsia or turqoise. night-wise, the ever-classic black. anyway, i have told them i will do a one-shoulder thingy. hee hee. something like this:

oh, this is for the day. as for the night, i am still googling. but then again, this is one of my idea. i really really like this dress. but then again, maybe i just like the "green". haha im a green freak. anything green , i will like. anyway will continue to look for ideas. and i really need to lose weight. sigh.

oh, a friend is coming to HK to visit me and we are going to Beijing. woohoo! cant wait man. i kinda miss travelling with her. we were supposed to go Spain and it has been 2 years since we have started talking about it. we even took spainish lessons togets so that we can speak simple spainish when we go to Spain. we have forgotten everything and we have still not been to Spain. actually i can remember a bit. ? como estas? yo soy bien. ?y tu? that's about it. haha.

oh, talking about marriage, another good friend of mine is getting married and im SUPER EXCITED. why? because she has always said that she doesnt want to get married so early and omg, she's getting married end of next year!!! and she was dating her boyfriend for only a year BUT i know she's super happy with him and she knows he is the one for her. seriously, when she told me on Tuesday, i couldnt stop my "OMG". i was " OMG-ing" for like almost 10 mins. my colleagues thought i have gone mad. HAHAHA. and guess what? she has asked me to be her bridesmaid!! YAY!! this is my FIRST time being a bridesmaid. i cant wait man. therefore, i really really really really really really really really really need to lose a lot of weight. SIGH. i have been exercising rather regularly but i need to change my diet but i am too greedy. haha. anyway, i have gotten another "personal trainer" at work. this new guy who joined our team is such a health freak. he was talking about nutrition and health and fitness and gyming and everything for an hour. amazing. and he said he is willing to help me. niceeeeeeeee.

oh well, this is basically what's been going on. nothing interesting. *yawn* i need to get a life. just realized, i am not going out enough. but then again, i am lazy. and also, i realized, i really do not really need friends. am i a freak? maybe. *shrugs*

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Have I Really Changed?

recently a friend told me that ever since i move to HK, i am not the same. she said i was not as jovial and as happy-go-lucky as i used to be. she said i have become emotional, reckless, rude, snappy and jaded. she said she feel that whatever i said or do, i never really think through it and i just say or do it. and im more rude and come across as unfriendly. she was even afraid that my thoughts and doings would be warped by my current boss ( who is not very well-liked by some and seriously misunderstood by many ).

i asked a few others if they think i am like that. some said that i am not so happy now and i seemed to be more tired but they believed it's due to work. some said i am still the same, crazy and laughing all the way. some said i have become more bad-tempered. some said i have matured. some said they cannot comment and some said not very sure or i dont know.

seriously, i do think i have changed. for the better or for the worse, i cannot comment. to be honest, i agree that i am more jaded and bitter now and i believe it's because of the work that im doing, the environment that im in and the responsibilities that i have, and maybe the people im hanging out with. i choose to believe that i have definitely matured and i have learn how to take care of myself in some ways or another. i have learn to deal with loneliness and also to deal with shits and everything. I also believe i have seen more and learnt more about life and the real world during my 7 months in HK. it has shown me reality and i am kinda jaded because ideals and reality does not gel and i finally get it. i think. to be honest, i am learning a lot from my boss. he may have the weirdest ideas and the worst personality or whatsoever, he has shown me how to play mind games in the right way, how to work smart and not work hard and all the nitty-gritty which can never be learnt via textbooks, lectures, trainings or whatsoever.

actually, i feel that it's not just me who has changed. i feel that now, i can handle more "big' stuffs while this friend of mine is still in her eggshell, protected and skewed. if she's afraid that my thinking and logic will be warped by my boss, i am afraid that her boss is not doing any justice by being fake and nice to her and allow her to think that everything's and everyone's nice and perfect. she told me that at times, we can and we should take on some losses because we might get something better in return. I told her i agree but not in every cases. we cant just take on the losses in every single cases or situations we faced. that's too stupid. at least i think it's not being very smart. maybe i have really grown and she has stayed stagnant and i kinda feel unfair that she's comparing herself to me. maybe i have become more haolian that i think she is in no position to be compared with me. maybe, i really have no idea.

anyway, i am whatever you say i am.