in my family, Father's Day is not as celebrated as much as Mother's Day. I guess the reason is because my grandfathers are no longer around. in fact, i have never met my grandfathers but i was told by my maternal grandmother that my grandfather doted on me like crazy. i would love to meet him, seriously. and i've also heard stories of my grandfather via my uncles. i think he's a really cool grandfather!
as for my own father, thinking back, i havent seen him since October 2008. Before i moved to HK, he moved to South Africa to work. he didnt even managed to go back to Singapore during CNY. i wonder if he missed us. i know he does call home quite often as my mum will tell me about it. i only recieved his sms once or twice. and i only managed to talk to him once. the thought of calling him to wish him " happy father's day " didnt cross my mind until my friend asked me just now " so have you wish your father? " darn. im not a very good daughter ya? to be honest, i wont say i miss him but i wont say i dont miss him. it's a mixed feeling. i do miss him. my father really dotes on me too. ever since young, i know he treats me better than he treats my brothers. guess that's why the term " daddy's girl " is actaually reflective of reality. however, my father has some very bad habits which i really hates. i've scolded him before with regards to that and i did quite a fierce job, even my brothers were surprised. *grins* anyway, no matter what, i still love my dad because no matter how horrible he is, he's still my dad.
if i was asked how would i define a "perfect" dad, i would say i want my dad to...

as handsome as George Clooney *drools*

as smart as Warren Buffet *snickers*

as rich as Bill Gates *laughs*

as kind as Jesus Christ *smilez*
ook i think im dreaming but well this is why it's called a "Perfect Dad". no one in the world is perfect, no one. so i think it's fair enough for me to dream about having a father like that, nothing more, nothing less, just perfect.
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