recently, i have been asking guys a very interesting question. " have you ever wonder if you like men instead of women? " 90% was " No, what are you talking about? ", 5% was " Are you crazy? " and the last 5% went " Are you a lesbian? " HAHA. seriously, i did wonder if i like girls in that manner, i tried, but i couldnt. sorry.
throughout the movie " Transformers", i kept telling myself: Optimus Prime is sooo handsome that I wanna marry him!!! to be honest, this kinda freaked myself out. but then again, is Optimus Prime a man or a woman? looking at his pictures, i think it's a "she". why? apparently he has boobs and no dick! haha! so maybe i am a lesbian afterall. look:

been asking for help to fulfil one of my fantasies - to direct a pornography. yes, i really want to direct a porn movie. i want to watch it live and to see how it goes. havent really found anyone who is willing to partner with me on that. but then again, i dont think this might even happen. haha
im actually flirting with one of our IT guys in Singapore. super weird. it all started when i messaged him to ask him some work-related questions. he asked when will i be back as he wants to bring me out for dinner ( so weird. we've never even gone out for lunch!! ). i said august as i got a wedding to attend. he asked me when is it my turn. typical me replied " whenever you're ready to marry me " and then he started his ideals about not getting married but having committed fun and typical me go " im cool with that arrangement " and it went on and on and on and now, we're actually chatting quite regularly. mmm, i do think he's kinda cute. *grins*