hey.. heard of alibaba.com recentlyon the news? if not..here is a brief sumary:

basically it is an e-commerce company that is part of the alibabagroup and it has its IPO on 11/05/07...well, basically why is this on the news recently...look at this:

basically it is an e-commerce company that is part of the alibabagroup and it has its IPO on 11/05/07...well, basically why is this on the news recently...look at this:

okay..people..the launch price was HKD 13.50 on 11/05/07 and on the first day of trading..it went up...no, it shot up to HKD39.50!!!! can you imagine how much money can be made and how rich the CEO, chariman, board of directors, top executives are now? i wish i was part of them....
God is really fair...take a look at this:
do you want to look like this? HAHAHA...aw man..i'm soooooo mean...seriously, i think i will suffer from karma...i got a strong feeling that my future husband will DEFINITELY look like this...HAHA! but honestly, if he looks like this and have as much money as this man..i wouldnt mind at all...with that amount of money in the bank accounts...he can go for any form or plastic surgery and whatsoever and i can shop till i drop!!!
so seriously, arent we all cleared that God is fair? *winks*
G od isn't very fait=r j=hannah.. Imfeeloinh lousy amd miserab;e but hje doe\sn't care he prob has some else in mind thats why he's so cool about it this time.. I m so syupid to blieve hime everytinme but guess eni=ouggh is enough, not likr=e he;ss b\asking me back.. he's not even picking my calls... i bet he fell dor someone else, jyst doesnt have thr courage to tall me yah.. i hate it that im feeling so miserable but he's out nthere having a wonderful time... it suckk.. sorry to distub minds not really working well now.. bye bye..
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