
Saturday, March 10, 2007


yes...this is the beach which i see for 4 consecutive's not exactly clear and blue..but it's damn cool to live near the beach...anyway, have an amazing time in was soooo fun that the moment i stepped onto the home bound plane..i'm planning for my next trip to Bali...haha!

basically, this was a trip planned between me and my lovely korean colleague...actually i think she's more like a friend now...haha! i arrived in Bali around 9 pm and she arrived in Bali around was sooo amazing to see her after a year..and indeed, she has become prettier..just like me..hahaha!

this is the room that we stayed's pretty huge and it's located next to the resort pool...our hotel is called Kind Villa Bintang and it's located at Nusa Dua...however, my next trip, i'm so going to stay in Hard Rock Cafe as it's much more happening over there...but anyhow, it's a nice resort...

basically, on the first day...we just lazed by the pool till noon..then we had a day tour at Uluwatu..which is basically a very grand temple...with basically nothing but tons of monkeys...hahaha! i was with a korean tour group because my lovely korean friend joined a package...and guess what? the koreans think that i'm a very shy korean who doesnt speak much..hahaha! but the truth is..i cannot speak korean at all...and the locals also think that i'm korean...hahaha! i wonder if i really look like one or it's the season of koreans over at Bali now? *shrugs* but anyhow, i dont mind being recognize as a korean... *smilez*

we were not allowed to go in..but the devotees are allowed...

got to wear the purple cloth to cover my a form of respect..but the problem i knees were still exposed..hahaha! so it's pointless and hot...

a grand temple...

i didnt mean to take the monkey's penis..but well..haha!

after the visit to this temple at some mountains...we proceed for a one hour massage was very very relaxing...wanted very much to fell asleep..but hahaha, can be quite only manage to catch 20 winks instead of 40...but it a good session....after that, it was time for dinner...instead of following the tour group to some korean food...we proceed to one highly recommended restaurant by many: was a very very posh place hidden in some ulu area and by the beach...funnily, every place is by the beach..hahaha! it's a very touristy place as once you stepped into that restaurant..there arent any local...the food was nice and the ambience was really cool...

are these orbs? if they many ghosts at Kudeta?

the only picture that turn out well is the one taken outside the's tooo dark inside...

went back early to rest as we planned to do water sports on the next day..but lo and was raining heavily....woke up at 8am and saw that it's raining....because of the good weather..we decided to laze in bed...and changed our plans from water sports to shopping...left the hotel around noon...went to shop in Kuta and Nusa was not very shiok as the things are not that cheap..and the brands are mostly surfing brands which were quite pricey...but somehow, i stil managed to buy the following:

ooh..and that night we went clubbing at 2 of the more famous clubs in Bali..they are Club Paparazi and Club Double 6...the music is soooooooo good...but the crowd is kinda horrible...there are tons of expected..but none of them are cute..most of them were old and it's pretty obvious why the balinese girls were there at the club....but i must say the music was damnnnnnnn pictures as both of us were too lazy to bring the camera...hahaha!

so we woke up early next morning and prayed for the sun...but well, it wasnt sunny neither was it we still continue with our water sports...i did diving, flying fish, rocket boat and a turtle island was pretty cool..and i must say we were quite popular with the balinese guys...most of them asked us if we're going clubbing and if they could join us..hahahahaha i guess they must be quite desperate...

the snake and us on Turtle Island

my pet hawk which doesnt deliver owl post but hawk post..haha!

my favorite turtle!!!

that night...we went clubbing again at Kuta...a club called M Bar was really really really really cool... and i believe it was near the Bali bombings..haha and i know whythey chose this was really really happening and packed with foreigners...however,i like the music soooo much.. the hip hop is soooo nice and the house music...amazing...even better than MOS..hahaha! well, we accepted the invitations from 2 local guys we met at the sea sports shop..they came with their tiny scooters and we ride safely and slowly to was quite an experience...and along the way, i was chatting with my "date" and having cultural exchange...and i thought my friend and her "date" was doing the same...but apparently they are not....guess what? my friend's date kept asking her to sleep with him!! and i'm truly amazed by his command of english..the differnet ways of expressing interest in getting laid...hahaha..first, he used the words "have sex"...then he used.." come to my room "...then " it would be a different experience for me "...then it was.." come by my room... " and then " come to my room and i show you the style..maybe you will like it " hahahahahaha! i couldnt stop laughing when my friend told me...because seriously i really didnt know they were talking about such stuffs...for me, my "date" only asked once.." do you want to see my room? " and i went..." NO "....hahahaha..and then we went back to chatting about normal stuffs...hahahahahahaha.... i mean seriously, why would they think that we would go to bed with them?? they are sooo young, only 21 years old...tsk tsk..youngsters nowadays ah...getting more and more absurd..hahaha! and when we mentioned that we're singaporean and korean..we dont have to pay a single cent to get into the club...interesting right?

this was the entrance of a reggae bar..which we intially thought of going...but would have to pay for the entrance fee...

helen and her sex-crazed "date"..haha!

me and my "date"

and on the way back...we saw 2 balinese girls wearing very little and touching up their make-up on their old ang moh walked past...stopped and chatted a little with them...asking them where they are going...and suddenly, the 3 of them were good friends..going clubbing TOGETHER..oh my god, i really wonder, if those girls are prostitutes or are they just out to get laid and have fun??? hee hee hee...
on the last day, basically i just laze by the beach while my friend went off for her last day tour at ubud..couldnt join her as my flight was at i basically, lazed till like 12pm and made my way to the i took a shuttle bus to the airport..there were some middle eastern men with me..and they thought i was going to Japan..hahaha! i must have looked like a japanese to them...but this is NOT the most interesting incident on my way back....

on the flight..i was sitting beside 2 singaporeans..finally, i saw my fellow countrymen...but i was rather pissed as both of them took the whole compartment and i had to put my bag 2 compartment away..anyway, they "compensated" me by putting on a show for me..initially, they were all lovey-dovey..and i was getting a little irritated..and then suddenly, the tone became hostile and the girl ignored the guy..and they were not talking....then after the meal, they guy started a conversation..saying something like.." so how are we going to settle this? " and the girl didnt respond..and so he persisted..and finally the girl said.." you're always like that...when i tell you things, you just get pissed with me.. " and then the guy said.." it's because you always dont tell me the truth... " and then the girl said.." i did..but you said i didnt...and the way you questioned me is not the most polite way..." and so basically, the basis of their quarrel is this: the girl told the guy that she's avoiding her ex boyfriend at all cost but yet they went on a trip together with other colleague and the guy was upset that the girl only told him after the trip and that she even went on a trip with the ex boyfriend and the girl gave the excuse that she didnt know that he's going...hahaha! seriously, i didnt mean to eavesdrop..but they were not exactly whispering...i've already tried my best not to look at them or burst out in giggles..but i think they knew i was listening...anyway, i think the guy got a little emotional..and i thought i heard him sob or knock his fist against the air plane's window?? hahahaha! after a while i got tired of their recurring conversation and fell asleep..and when i woke up again, they had managed to make up and was all lovey-dovey again...*sighz* i misssed the MOST important irritating!!!! and they were even smooching for quite a bit...hahahaha! i really really couldnt stop myself from grinning and i hope that they did not see me doing that!! seriously i thought it was really dramatic and i felt like i'm watching some taiwanese serial drama...

well well..basically, i really really really enjoy my trip to Bali and i had a lot of fun with my lovely korean friend...we were already planning on our trip next year...or even later part of the year...hahahahaha! and for sure, i'm going back to Bali....


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha finally see the "sex-crazed" date of your co-worker ha ha ha ha seems like fun =)


insanityiscreativity said...

Awesome seems like your having a brill.

I cat believe u let that bird cling on to your arm,,,,,,im terrified of birds man.

And dang those they crack me up.

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