take a look at this!!!!

hahaha! before you people start guessing...nope, i didnt strike lottery again!! but if you look closely at this number..it's just a permutation of the previous winning number...the winning number is 3035 and this number is 0353!!! and the most amazing thing is not the permutation of this....
i had a dream...in that dream..i was in my granny's house in malaysia...and then i saw her coming from behind..beaming with joy...and so being curious, i went up to her and asked in hokkien: " ah ma, why are you so happy? " and then she told me in hokkien: " oh because all my grandchildren are here in the house with me.. " and then suddenly she told me a number: 3037...i was puzzled..and so i asked her.." huh? what is this number? " and then in hokkien she replied me :" tiao(4) li(4) tiao(4) li(4) " if you are a hokkien or a 4-D fanatic..you would know what this mean...basically, it means that there are permutation to a certain number... and just as sudden as my dream started...it ended...
i was not very sure what was this dream about...and so i told my parents about it...and then they were asking if i'm certain about the number..and i gave a negative answer..but was very very positive that my granny said there's permutation...anyway, i couldnt make out whatever that dream meant and so i didnt buy any 4D but my parents went to buy 3037..and it's a wrong number...hahahahahaha!
well...the 4D results on saturday showed me what the dreamt mean...the number did "jump" twice...maybe it's pure coincidence...or maybe it's really my granny's showering her blessings on us...now my whole family is asking me to sleep as much as i could to dream about my granny again...*laughs*

hahaha! before you people start guessing...nope, i didnt strike lottery again!! but if you look closely at this number..it's just a permutation of the previous winning number...the winning number is 3035 and this number is 0353!!! and the most amazing thing is not the permutation of this....
i had a dream...in that dream..i was in my granny's house in malaysia...and then i saw her coming from behind..beaming with joy...and so being curious, i went up to her and asked in hokkien: " ah ma, why are you so happy? " and then she told me in hokkien: " oh because all my grandchildren are here in the house with me.. " and then suddenly she told me a number: 3037...i was puzzled..and so i asked her.." huh? what is this number? " and then in hokkien she replied me :" tiao(4) li(4) tiao(4) li(4) " if you are a hokkien or a 4-D fanatic..you would know what this mean...basically, it means that there are permutation to a certain number... and just as sudden as my dream started...it ended...
i was not very sure what was this dream about...and so i told my parents about it...and then they were asking if i'm certain about the number..and i gave a negative answer..but was very very positive that my granny said there's permutation...anyway, i couldnt make out whatever that dream meant and so i didnt buy any 4D but my parents went to buy 3037..and it's a wrong number...hahahahahaha!
well...the 4D results on saturday showed me what the dreamt mean...the number did "jump" twice...maybe it's pure coincidence...or maybe it's really my granny's showering her blessings on us...now my whole family is asking me to sleep as much as i could to dream about my granny again...*laughs*
I so agree, sleep more sleep more
than can have more treats from you :)
woah woah woah can u predict next weeks 4D results?
uh oh... now our dear hannah becoming 4D siao... hahahahaha
DL: hahahaha..no more treats..
Kel: cannot sia..i didnt dream anymore..hahaha
Pearlyn: hahaha! no lah..i didnt do anything worz..hahahaha!
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