i think almost everyone who knows me knows that i'm in love with diving and diving is my new love....i'm all prepared to invest in this sports...i actually plan to buy the gears and go for frequent trips...am actually planning for a leisure trip end of June...*grins*
my dearest mother told me to take up GOLF instead of DIVING!! *sighz* the reasons being that she felt that diving is something which is not very common (duhz, EVERYONE i know is diving..okay, almost everyone) and that it's not useful...also, diving to her is an adventurous sport and i'm not adventurous enough (duhz again..diving is a leisure sports.no need to go down to 100m to enjoy it!)...and that if i were to take up golf, i could play golf with my family next time but i wont be diving with my family (what makes her think my hubby is not a diver? *laughs* i think i will have a hubby who dives and golfs!!)...so she said she would rather me invest in golf than diving...i have to salute my mum for giving such innovative reasons...so i'm assuming that she's just giving me opinions and not forbidding me to go diving!!!! *pray hard hard that she's not objecting*
actually, i did think of taking up golf and a dear friend actually had some lobang for golf lessons..it's about 400 plus if i didnt remember wrongly...then i asked my uncle if i should take up golf and he asked me.." why do you want to take up golf? " mmm...good question...why? because it's fun? because i dont know...hahahaha..basically, i thought it was fun...then my uncle said..." dont take up golf simply because you thought it's fun..say you finished your lessons..what's going to happen? you going to continue to play? or that's it?? " mmm...quite true..i have no $$$ to buy clubs - country clubs and golf clubs...i only wanted to learnt because i thought it's fun and can get to know rich kids...*laughs* and i thought quite stylo to be able to hit a small ball with a long stick and see how far the little ball flies...anyway, was not able to find people interested to learn together...
as for diving...actually, i'm not very sure if i will be that keen about the sport after 6 months...*laughs* knowing myself..i'm lazy and all...it's a huge investment to be made..but i really did enjoy myself during my last trip and it's rather addictive...besides, i get to know many beach bums and surfers dudes too...i likeeeeeeee *yay* in fact, my diving buddy is very keen about it and i have made some really nice friends...although i have no idea why princess mel sort of refused to dive with us...*laughs* she learnt it last year when we agreed to do it together..she didnt ask us this year when she's planning her trip...and we asked her to join us for advance she said she promised to wait for her friend...BUT she also promised to wait for us and she still went without us for the basic...anyway i've digressed...*laughs* but i think i'm more of a water person than a ball person...i never like to play with balls...although i dont mind some balls...hahahahahahaha!
my dearest mother told me to take up GOLF instead of DIVING!! *sighz* the reasons being that she felt that diving is something which is not very common (duhz, EVERYONE i know is diving..okay, almost everyone) and that it's not useful...also, diving to her is an adventurous sport and i'm not adventurous enough (duhz again..diving is a leisure sports.no need to go down to 100m to enjoy it!)...and that if i were to take up golf, i could play golf with my family next time but i wont be diving with my family (what makes her think my hubby is not a diver? *laughs* i think i will have a hubby who dives and golfs!!)...so she said she would rather me invest in golf than diving...i have to salute my mum for giving such innovative reasons...so i'm assuming that she's just giving me opinions and not forbidding me to go diving!!!! *pray hard hard that she's not objecting*
actually, i did think of taking up golf and a dear friend actually had some lobang for golf lessons..it's about 400 plus if i didnt remember wrongly...then i asked my uncle if i should take up golf and he asked me.." why do you want to take up golf? " mmm...good question...why? because it's fun? because i dont know...hahahaha..basically, i thought it was fun...then my uncle said..." dont take up golf simply because you thought it's fun..say you finished your lessons..what's going to happen? you going to continue to play? or that's it?? " mmm...quite true..i have no $$$ to buy clubs - country clubs and golf clubs...i only wanted to learnt because i thought it's fun and can get to know rich kids...*laughs* and i thought quite stylo to be able to hit a small ball with a long stick and see how far the little ball flies...anyway, was not able to find people interested to learn together...
as for diving...actually, i'm not very sure if i will be that keen about the sport after 6 months...*laughs* knowing myself..i'm lazy and all...it's a huge investment to be made..but i really did enjoy myself during my last trip and it's rather addictive...besides, i get to know many beach bums and surfers dudes too...i likeeeeeeee *yay* in fact, my diving buddy is very keen about it and i have made some really nice friends...although i have no idea why princess mel sort of refused to dive with us...*laughs* she learnt it last year when we agreed to do it together..she didnt ask us this year when she's planning her trip...and we asked her to join us for advance she said she promised to wait for her friend...BUT she also promised to wait for us and she still went without us for the basic...anyway i've digressed...*laughs* but i think i'm more of a water person than a ball person...i never like to play with balls...although i dont mind some balls...hahahahahahaha!
maybe i should just do this..*laughs*

picture of the beagle is so funny! hehe ... i would think diving is more interesting as you get to see a different "world" altogether. but this is just a bystander talking, i myself have no guts to dive. neither will i pick up golf, cos i hate getting tanned! haha
dee from http://royalleisure.wordpress.com/
If i dont have skin problems i would take up golf for sure. Diving is cool but its just not my thing. If you were to think about it diving is riskier. Anyways just choose which ever u like better.
Do all three!
Life's short, play harder! =D
dee: yeah, i prefer diving too... :) you hate getting tanned..i love to be tanned but am fair naturally...
kel: mmm..at this age i would prefer diving..but am very sure i will take up golf sooner or later..haha!
zhixiang: hahaha! are you going to sponser me?
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