am not going to give a "lecture" on the not a bird expert...mmm..actually is there anything called "birdology"? hee "inspired" to blog about this from some conversations and observations i had over the past few days....
i realized there are basically 2 types of people...the "owls" and the "roosters":
Roosters - these people will go to sleep at 10pm...personally, 10pm is the time when i could have just reached home or just finished watching the tube..i seldom sleep that early..unless i am damn tired...and these people...miraculously can wake up at 6am..some 5am..and i have a friend who wakes up at 4am every WEEKDAY and 520am every WEEKEND!! holy cow...when i heard this i was telling her...there are some weekends when i actually slept at 530am!! *laughs*
so am i a rooster or an owl....frankly speaking..i am a mixture of you can call me a Roowl or Owster!! *laughs* there are times when i do not sleep till the wee hours...and basically it's because i'm chatting on msn wiht my friends...and there are times when i sleep at 9pm simply because i am damn tired...but one thing for sure..i can NEVER wake up at 4am...*laughs* my earliest record is 530am..and the longest hours that i have slept - 17 hours! *laughs*
hehe. u don't know how blessed u r to be able to hit 17hrs. If i dun zzz for 3 days, perhaps I can hope to hit that figure. :) Cheers, the 4am-freak-in-ques
And btw, birdology = ornithology i.e. the branch of zoology that deals with the study of birds. ;)
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