we were wondering...which movie is he/she/it promoting?it's a smiliar gimmick pulled by some company some time back to promote the movie "the maid"...but this ghostly figure was really small-sized...and we begin to wonder if he/she/it was a kid, a woman or a man? how much is he/she/it paid to just stand there and look horrible? wonder if the clothes he/she/it was wearing stink? wonder if the wig stink or was it real hair? wonder if the face is pretty or ugly? i reckon should be the latter if not...would have been some magazines cover girl and not this ghostly puny figure along orchard road....gosh...he/she/it was really puny...
anyway, found out that this is not for some movie promotion...this is actually a game promotion...a new game to be launched official on 18 oct 05..it's call F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon...*laughs* mmm..must say it's a rather good gimmick...by giving out brochures may not be enough to attract people to visit the website to find out more..but having this puny figure along the busiest street in singapore will trigger the kay-poh singaporeans to check out the website...and yeah...YOURS TRULY IS ONE DAMN KAY-POH SINGAPOREAN!!! *laughs*
anyway, for those who are interested to find out more....this is the website: www.fear.com.sg
mmm...think i can go to the developers and ask them to give me advertising fees...*laughs* but then again..i think this is what they hope to achieve...getting kaypoh singaporeans to talk about it and spread the word!! i must say....THIS MISSION IS ACCOMPLISHED!!
Man advistising has gone to another level in singapore
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