take a look at this:

*beaming* this is what i've gotten over the weekend...took up a windsurfing course..and obtained the "license" to surf...went with princess mel and ms mah...
it was a full-day course...from 930am to 500pm...got up bright and early...really excited and happy about the whole thing...have been wanting to go but have been procastinating...the sun was bright..but not very bright..there's wind...but if you asked me...i thought the wind was slightly too strong...*laughs*
anyway, we were all gathered in this air-conditioned room...apparently, there were 2 groups of us - the working class and the NUSians...then this young looking and tanned guy introduced himself as "Alex" and sort of started the class with some brief introduction...telling us the parts of the sail and the board...anyway after the short theory class, we proceeded to our practical class...
we had 2 instructors to us - Li Wee & Stephanie...the practical lessons started at the stimulator..where they showed us the basic steps and got us to tried it out on the stimulator...and as per the instructors, the stimulator is damn steady but funnily, i lost my balance on my first try on it...*laughs* guess i am not a steady person...
for the first hour of the practical lesson, this is what i have been doing:
Step 1: Haul myself up the board...funnily, the instructors got up the board rather gracefully and swiftly while i literally have to haul myself up in the most obscene position and my shorts keep dropping off...*lauhgs*
Step 2: To stand and balance on the board... this was not really tough..but because after hauling myself up the board..i need to rest first before standing up and when i actually stood up...the waves had already washed me up the shore...*laughs*
Step 3: Pulling the sail up and be in secure position...seriously speaking..the sail is damn heavy...have to use a lot of strength..and also, the secure position not really secure...*laughs* dont understand why it was called that when it's totally opposite...
Step 4: Fall into the sea... normally, when i'm halfway through or when i finally got hold of the mast, i would have dropped into the sea...*laughs*
after much struggle, i finally manage to get into secure position and the instructor shouted..." okay good good..now sailing position!! " and alli could replied was..." I CANT!!!" *laughs* and then i fell into the sea again and it's time for lunch....
man we were so hungry...that the 3 of us thought the chicken rice was very very delicious!! *laughs* after lunch, we had another short theory lesson and then it's to the stimulator again...and to the sea we go...for the second half of the day, i had a more fruitful procedure...
Step 1: Hauled myself up the board, pulled up the sail and be in secure position... not sure if it's the chicken rice...amazingly after the lunch, i could do these quite easily..maybe the instructors decided to help me by putting in some magic potion...*laughs*
Step 2: Got into sailing postion and actually managed to sail out... was really really happy that i managed to sail....the feeling was great!! although i felt rather insecure as i was not sure...during sailing..what was i supposed to do...was i supposed to look in front? look at the sail? think of the wind? look out for obstacles? control the sail? control the board? where's my left? where's my right? how to stop? so many questions running in my head...
Step 3: Trying to turn back and sail back and fell into the sea... *laughs* whenever i tried to make an u-turn...and i could hear the instructor shouting..." right leg over, then turn, control, blah blah " but when i was out there, i couldnt differentiate between my right and my left anymore..and by the time i shifted my legs, the next moment....i'm underwater....
Step 4: Swam with the equipment back to shore and start all over again... and since i could not sail back, the only thing i could do was pull my equipment and swam back..which is so damn tiring...but luckily the waves helped...and then walked to the other side of the shore and start all over again...*laughs*
one of the instructors told me... "hannah, you can try going out further..no need to come back so fast...there are more spaces out there to play..." to which i replid sheepishly... "I would love to...but then, i am unable to sail back and i dont think i can swim that far...haha" damn paiseh right..hahahaha....but it's a fact..and i couldnt deny the fact that if i were to go out too far, i would not be able to come back...seriously, i had no idea..why it was easy to go out but difficult to come back...everthing was the same just the change in direction...guess when i'm out there...i lost my differentiation of right and left!!! *laughs*
finally, i took my sail my way out for the last time...similiarly followed the steps..but somehow managed to get back onto the board and shifted my sail to the right position to sail back...instructor was giving instructions..and i was really trying my best to listen and followed...but somehow, i couldnt..and thus, i decided to sit down at the board and waddled my way back...*laughs* this got princess mel and ms mah laughing non-stop...maybe because i looked kinda blur...or maybe because i was showing them the "SOS" sign..*laughs*...maybe because the instructor also couldnt understand why did i suddenly sit down while trying to manipulate my sail while standing up...i reckoned there were many reasons...but actually i thought quite funny too...*laughs*
ooh...corey went down to windsurf...so nice of him right..although he went down to surf..not too bad..he can really surf...*laughs* but i think he went down to see me too...*laughs* he brought along a friend...whom i found extremely familiar...but could NEVER have met him before... had dinner together and then head straight back home as i was so damn tired...slept at 9am on a saturday...very very rare....*laughs*
it was indeed a fulfilling day....had fun and joy under the sun... must make a point to go windsurfing regularly..so that i can sail back..and not be a one-way windsurfer!! *laughs* hopefully, can meet some handsome and rich beach bum too!! *laughs*