Today is Singapore's birthday. Singapore is 45 years old today. so young!!! and this is the first time im watching the NDP on webcast. actually i cannot remember last year if im in Singapore during national day. I think i am. anyway, it's quite shioks to watch it on webcast. feel so patriotic. haha!
anyway, on a side note, i rushed home after work to watch the webcast. so i took a cab. then when i told the cab driver where im going. he got pissed because it's very near. then throughout the whole journey, he kept nagging nagging and nagging. saying things like " such a big girl, dont know how to go home. must take cab and waste money. " warrau. what's wrong with him? argh. hong kong taxi drivers need to learn to be more polite loh. this is absurd
anyway back to the parade. so when i switched it on after downloading all the necessary stuffs, the march-in was done. ARGH. i want to watch them marching in. so annoying. but then it's fine. anyway, i love the mobile column. all the army tanks and vehicles and all the army captains - SO COOL SIA! they all look very very shuai and nice. actually i wonder if they can really protect our country. haha oops. but i guess with all the weapons and vehicles and all the machines, should be can lah. i always thought the navy speedboat is blue and white but it's actually green. why ah? sea is always deemed to be blue and not green. so weird. and there's something that has a washing machine. i thought it's really quite interesting. if i marry an army captain, i dont want the sword of honor. i want my entourage of army tanks! wonder if it's air-conditioned with cushions in the tanks. if not, i want to marry a pilot who flies the fighter jets. so suave. again, no sword of honors. i want to fly in one of those thing. but i guess i might just vomit. haha. or i can marry a naval diver and according to the commentators, our naval divers are one of the best IN THE WORLD. i wonder how they judge how good a naval diver is.
there are some new singers that i've never heard of or seen. a bit the CMI though. but it was amazing when it ended with Kit Chan singing " HOME". this is my favorite song and Kit Chan is my favorite local artiste. whenever she sings this song, it always make me teary and miss home. *sob sob* also, the formations were pretty pretty. and there were many fireworks. i guess because Singapore's GDP is growing at 15% so a lot of $$$ to have fireworks everywhere. hahaha. oh and watching all those performers dancing and running around the padang made me think about the time when i was a participant as well. i was the cheerleader for the pre-parade show. so fun. it was in 1998. omg. 12 years ago. omg, im getting old. omg. omg. omg. also, i thought the MP who played with the guns looked like bugs and some of them carry light sabers. haha.
uncle lee is still VERY STRONG. he is almost twice the age of Singapore! uncle goh also got older but still look strong. and i feel a bit paiseh that i dont know our ministers. haha. i only know uncle lee, uncle goh, pm lee, and teo chee hien. haha the rest, no idea. but i know they are ministers lah. just not very sure of their names and positions. quite bad. i think i fail my national education. heng i am no longer a student if not quite jialatz. haha. can die.
oh and the saying of the pledge at 20:10 because it's 2010 is quite lame lah. haha cannot believe the organizers can get so lame. but then again, it's quite cool also. although i didnt stand up and say the pledge out loud, but i did recite it in my heart and sing the national anthem in my heart. actually the only day that i sing the national anthem is 09 August. haha. and i realized that all the new songs all CMI lah. it's always the old songs that are catchy and people dont stop singing. songs like " stand up for singapore", "count on me singapore", "one people,one nation, one singapore", "we are singapore". these songs have been around since i was a kid and they are still being used right now amazing. wonder who wrote these songs. so talented. now all the new songs, after national day, all forget. some couldnt even make people remember.
oh well, happy birthday Singapore!
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