okay, "new moon" has premiered and "eclipse" is being filmed now. on the other hand, "harry potter and the deathly hallows" will be split into 2, first to be released on 19 Nov 2010 and second on 15 July 2011.
on HP, i have finished reading HP books and i must admit i have re-read it at least 5 times for each book. haha yes, im a BIG HARRY POTTER fan. i can remember almost every spell and i can re-read and re-read and re-read it again and again and again. as for the movies, i can also watch it over and over and over and over again. i just dont get bored at all. but to be honest, the first HP movie is still the best. the rest are not as good as i want them to be. also, the actors are kids and not that cute, but i still love the HP series.

these are the 3 main characters. when you compare them to the Twilight Stars, they are NOTHING. in fact, they pale in comparison and are kinda ugly. haha. although to be honest, i think Emma Watson is farking hot and so much more attractive than Kirsten Stewart.

see, the 3 main characters of Twilight Saga. the guys are sooo smoking hot and i really wish i can date both of them. now, there are 2 teams - Team Edward and Team Jacob. Edward is the vampire and Jacob is the werewolf. personally, i have no preference at all. in terms of the character, i do not like either. they are just so in love with Bella Swan that i get annoyed. in terms of looks, i think i am more of the Edward type. hee hee. but if i were to choose, i would rather be a werewolf. at least i can see the sun and i can eat. haha.
when TS first got popular, i kinda didnt bother. however, after watching 'twilight' on the plane, i decided to read the books as the movie sucks. oh well, it has always been the case anyway. books are always better than movies. however, the TS books sucks as well!!!! okay, to be fair, i have not finished reading all 4 books of the TS and so maybe it's too early for me to make that judgement. but i have finished 2 out of 4 and i really dont feel like reading it anymore. it's soooo boring. okay to be fair, maybe my expectation is wrong. i was hoping to read more about the werewolves and vampires and all the fighting and what-nots. but i was sooo wrong. Twilight Saga is PURE TEENAGE ROMANCE story. *yawnz*. this really explains why i was soo not interested in the books. if i wanna read romance story, i may as well read Julie Garwood or likes where at least it's erotic in some sense. HAHA. oh i havent watched the movie but i did saw some special program on E! for "new moon". those clips that i saw on E! seems to be the summary of the book. there are 24 chapters in "new moon", now im at chapter 20. and everything that i have read, the clips said it all. so weird.
well, i guess both have some similarities. both has caused sensation among kids, teenagers and adults. books are bestsellers and movies are hollywood hits. both has created some smoking hot stars (Robert Pattinson, Emma Watson, Daniel Radclife, Taylor Lautner) and both revolves around fantasy, magic and whatsoever. both has teenagers falling in love but it's much more obvious in TS. maybe that's both attracts fans from all walks of life. i guess most of us are still looking for PURE LOVE. hahahaha.
on HP, i have finished reading HP books and i must admit i have re-read it at least 5 times for each book. haha yes, im a BIG HARRY POTTER fan. i can remember almost every spell and i can re-read and re-read and re-read it again and again and again. as for the movies, i can also watch it over and over and over and over again. i just dont get bored at all. but to be honest, the first HP movie is still the best. the rest are not as good as i want them to be. also, the actors are kids and not that cute, but i still love the HP series.

these are the 3 main characters. when you compare them to the Twilight Stars, they are NOTHING. in fact, they pale in comparison and are kinda ugly. haha. although to be honest, i think Emma Watson is farking hot and so much more attractive than Kirsten Stewart.

see, the 3 main characters of Twilight Saga. the guys are sooo smoking hot and i really wish i can date both of them. now, there are 2 teams - Team Edward and Team Jacob. Edward is the vampire and Jacob is the werewolf. personally, i have no preference at all. in terms of the character, i do not like either. they are just so in love with Bella Swan that i get annoyed. in terms of looks, i think i am more of the Edward type. hee hee. but if i were to choose, i would rather be a werewolf. at least i can see the sun and i can eat. haha.
when TS first got popular, i kinda didnt bother. however, after watching 'twilight' on the plane, i decided to read the books as the movie sucks. oh well, it has always been the case anyway. books are always better than movies. however, the TS books sucks as well!!!! okay, to be fair, i have not finished reading all 4 books of the TS and so maybe it's too early for me to make that judgement. but i have finished 2 out of 4 and i really dont feel like reading it anymore. it's soooo boring. okay to be fair, maybe my expectation is wrong. i was hoping to read more about the werewolves and vampires and all the fighting and what-nots. but i was sooo wrong. Twilight Saga is PURE TEENAGE ROMANCE story. *yawnz*. this really explains why i was soo not interested in the books. if i wanna read romance story, i may as well read Julie Garwood or likes where at least it's erotic in some sense. HAHA. oh i havent watched the movie but i did saw some special program on E! for "new moon". those clips that i saw on E! seems to be the summary of the book. there are 24 chapters in "new moon", now im at chapter 20. and everything that i have read, the clips said it all. so weird.
well, i guess both have some similarities. both has caused sensation among kids, teenagers and adults. books are bestsellers and movies are hollywood hits. both has created some smoking hot stars (Robert Pattinson, Emma Watson, Daniel Radclife, Taylor Lautner) and both revolves around fantasy, magic and whatsoever. both has teenagers falling in love but it's much more obvious in TS. maybe that's both attracts fans from all walks of life. i guess most of us are still looking for PURE LOVE. hahahaha.