Incident #1:
He's working in the Japan office and was in HK for work. We were given a list to call for prospecting one morning. In the afternoon, he came by my desk " so how many calls have you made? did you do anything useful today? why havent you started calling and make yourself useful?" WTH???!!! who the hell is he? my boss? N-O. N-O. N-O. so i told him " why are you asking me this? go away. i want to do something useful now " and he wanted to continue and i went " shut up. i need to call the client NOW " and i just picked up the phone and ignored him.
Incident #2:
a colleague asked me for help on some limitation on his computer. not very sure, i asked the experts on some global chats which we have. i used about 5 mins to ask some very simple questions and i just passed this information on. a very simple and easy gesture of kindness right? then this stupid idiot rang me up. he went " why are you wasting your time on an internal client when you can spend the valuable helping a real client?" seriously, that caused me to flare up! firstly, i was doing something and was really concentrating. secondly, all i did was ask some questions and pass on the info. is that so hard to do for a colleague? thirdly. WHO THE HELL IS HE TO ASK SUCH QUESTIONS? he is NOT my boss. my boss told me " i dont care what you do. just bring in the money". seriously. WHAT IS FARKING WRONG WITH THIS STUPID ANG-MOH? DOES HE REALLY THINK HE'S MY BOSS? so i told him " dude, seriously. it's just a small favor. i only had to spend 5 mins. not as if i spend 5 hours doing that. and what's wrong with helping a colleague. and finally. why are you even asking me this. i dont wanna talk to you anymore. bye " and i hung up. HAHAHA. then i said out loud in the office "farking idiot" and everyone around me went " woah. are you alright? " HAHAHA. see how much he pissed me off. then after a while, i thought i was kinda rude and so i called him back. before i can even say anything, he said " do you hung up on a client who ask you questions? i dont want to talk to you " and he hung up. RUDE ASSHOLE!!
Incident #3:
Today he asked a question on our common team chat and so i told him the answer and shared with him what i know. then he disagree and said that im wrong. well, fine. so i showed him where are the documents and which emails indicate that im right and i checked with another colleague and he agreed with me. suddenly my phone rang. so i picked it up and without even a "hello", this farking ang-moh went " you better get your facts right!" WTFH. he is soooo wrong and he still dare to tell me to get my facts right? i mean seriously, even if im wrong, he doesnt have to be that rude. who the hell he think he is???!!!! the things that he asked is VERY VERY basic and VERY VERY common. it's not something that we should or even get it wrong. the fact that he got it wrong means that he's a FARKING DUMB ASSHOLE. and he's still so full of himself. i was soooo farking pissed. i was kind to share with him what i know and all i got was " you should get your facts right " when he's the one who got it wrong. after which, i believed he went to check with other colleagues and realized that IM SO FREAKING RIGHT and he's SO FREAKING WRONG. not a single word of apology nor acknowledgement that im right and he's wrong. FARKING DUMB BASTARDIC ASSHOLE.
i mean seriously, yes he could be a trader previously and he's an ang-moh who can speak a little japanese and whatever. SO? does that make him more superior than me? does that make him smarter than me? he's such a sneaky snake. always doing things to "impress" the boss and all. but when it comes to the most basic and simple stuffs, he's SOOOOO dumb. dumb to the extent i cannot believe that he doesnt know the simplest of the simple facts. seriously, i didnt want to be his nemesis but can he not be so farking rude when he doesnt even have anything to be proud of?
he once said singaporean girls are the most boring girls he ever met. i told him " maybe singaporean girls are so not into you that they are trying to tell you to get lost? " A S S H O L E! he can kiss my arse and eat shit! the worst ang-moh i ever met!
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