Tuesday, December 23, 2008
bitching time!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
i LOOOOOOVE new york!
well, i shopped sooo much that i am so broke now. i bought 4 bags ( 1 for mum), 4 pairs of 9-west shoes, 4 tops, 3 sets of pajamas, 2 pairs of jeans, 2 books, 2 pairs of socks, 1 wallet and watch Mary Poppins on Broadway. and all these only cost me USD 1.3K!! and mind you, all of them are branded stuffs. well coach is a brand. 9 west is a brand. levi's is a brand. HAHA. so happy. but feel damaged, financially that is.
this trip i didnt do much sight-seeing as i have done the NYSE, ground zero, bull, empire state building in my last trip in 2007. this time, i can be seen at 5th avenue, SOHO and central park. some nice pictures i've taken:

we have a beautiful christmas at our office at lexington too. pretty right? actually our NY office is pretty amazing. didnt take any pictures as i was shy and afraid that the security guards will haul me out of the office. ha!
i have no idea why but Central Park is simply such a nice park that i wish i have one full day to spend in that park but i didnt and only went to part of the park which i have already fallen in love with. the trees, the partly frozen lake, the squirrels, the ducks, EVERYTHING.
i also have the chance to go to the lower east side because a very nice colleague invited me to his bar crawl party. basically, in NY, the bars and clubs and lounges are located all over the city. so one of the activities for them is to go from 1 bar to another. from midtown to downtown. amazing. totally enjoyed myself. taught them how to play the asian beer games like 5-10 and 7-up. hillarious. they couldnt understand what im trying to say. too drunk to learn. we were at the 7th bar for the night already. unfortunately, none of these places look like any of the bars that i see in SATC. ooh talking about SATC, i did visit a restaurant which was featured in SATC Season 5 Episode 4, i think. it's the Tao Restaurant. food was pretty good but it's pretty expensive but totally worth it!!!

arent they beautiful??? especially the last one. i was sooo mesmerized by it that i stood by it for like 5 mins. pretending to understand the stroke and techniques, which i totally dont but i simply love this painting. it's called Ice Floes. and i've also "made friends" with Pablo Picasso, Van Gogh, Dali and many otheres but Claude Monet is my man!
mmmm, although the main stint of this trip is for work purposes but i havent mentioned anything about work. think i shall leave the "juicy" gossip till my next entry. i just want to say I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE NEW YORK!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My Humble and Cozy Home
the sofa bed next to the kitchen. this is the extra bed which i can offer to my visitor. my house is sooo "big" that i can only afford to have 1 visitor in my house and it's already quite cramped. hahaha
the tv. isnt the tv big and nice? haha one of the reason why i love this apartment is the tv that it has. just nice and i can just lie on my bed and watch tv and fall asleep. haha but of course that is bad as it waste electricity and all the what-nots. hahahaha!
the bed. yes this is my bed. basically the houseowner has built a platform to houes the bed and cupboards. it's a very good idea as there are plenty of storage space under my mattress. it's not solid wooden platform but hidden space. so if i have a lot of stuffs, i can actually hide them inside. very good idea. will use that for my OWN home in the future!!!!
alrightly, this is the humble home that i am living in now. think i will be quite comfortable here and should be happy too.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
my last week at happy valley *sad*
not bad right? quite happy with my buys. these are from H&M and they are not expensive. the first one cost around SGD 75 and the second one cost around SGD120. for a jacket, i think it's pretty alright. went to zara and mango, SOOOOOO expensive! anyway need to save money as i am going to NY next month for training and im soooo sure im going to spend another fortune there!! *grins*
ooh a friend just visited me over the weekend. shioks! it's nice to have someone to hang out with over the weekend. we went shopping, cutting hair, eating, partying. just like old times, except that currency is different and places are LKF instead of Butter Factory. tomorrow my mum and brother will be arriving. have 2 more friends visiting me in December! shioks! plus my mum and brother will be arriving tomorrow! cant wait to see them!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Am NEVER EVER going to celebrate Halloween!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Week #1 in Hong Kong
Monday, October 20, 2008
my "first day" in Hong Kong
Thursday, October 16, 2008
17 boxes!
now i am living out of my suitcases. haha! and my room seems soo empty now. i also shifted my room's furniture to give my room a new look. or rather, my brother prefers to call it his room! he kept asking me to remove all my "names" from the room but i told him " NO WAY! " i think i am so childish for my age ya, fighting with a 16-year-old kid over a room.
on another note, i realized that i do miss my piano kids. hee hee the other day i just bought macdonalds for 3 of them as they asked me for children's day presents. and they were so happy to see me ( although i think it's more because of macdonalds than myself but i dont care ). they even smsed me to tell me that they will miss me and will keep in touch with me via emails and ask me to teach them again when i'm back from Hong Kong. 2 more mothers told me to contact them so that i can teach their kids again. hee hee guess im a GOOD TEACHER ya? actually i also miss the extra income. hahaha
also, i realized, ever since my relocation has been officialized, i have been having farewell parties, dinners and lunches with the same people. haha! been partying almost every week with the same group of peeps and also having lunches and dinners with people all over again. i told everyone that i wanted to take pictures with them so that i can stick them all over my wall in HK but i also forgot and in the end, i realized i didnt take any pictures. too busy chatting and yakking away that i forgot my mission. oh well, doenst really matter, im coming back in 3 months' time. hahaha!
mmmm been surfing the web for autumn/winter fashion. HAHA! trying to get some inspiration so that i can go HK and purchase fashionable but cheap stuffs from Mongkok! looking forward to wearing my boots again!! yay!!
okok i think am just bored and blabbering rubbish. 17 boxes. will have a hard time unpacking man.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
hong kong - love it or hate it
well well, this seems like a dream, seriously. everything's happening but yet it doesnt seems to be real. truly yours is relocating to hong kong! yes yes RELOCATING TO HONG KONG! will be working in hong kong for 2 years and in a totally different role and different team - Data Sales. doesnt it sound exciting? truly excited to move and all but yet am scared as well. honestly, to work and live in HK has been my longest dream and funnily it's coming true now! unbelieveable!
been in Hong Kong for the past 2 weeks. didnt feel much as am still living in hotel and eating on company's expense. haha! so when people ask me: " so how's hong kong?" i cannot answer them at all. but then my relocation date has been confirmed: 10/20/08 and from that day onwards i will be holding a Hong Kong working visa and citizen card. isnt that exciting?? living on my own, looking for my own apartment, everything within my own budget. but this also means that i cannot spend as much as how im spending now. :( yup, although im relocating, i am not on an expat package. it's a local hire package so financially, it is not making sense at all. but i still agree to this as i really want to expose myself to a different environment and seek different opportunities while im still young!!! agree? amen!!
well, for now, i am hoping that the rental will go down since the market has been going down. i know it's not good to gloat over a financial recession but it would really help me financially. also i need to settle my apartment and also to get myself all settled down. thankfully, i have a few friends here ( locals and singaporeans ) and they are very willing to help me. in fact, my very own colleagues are equally willing too! am feeling so blessed BUT i would love to be blessed with money too! haha! i can imagine myself living here, taking the MTR, public buses, partying at LKF, eating at Cha Chan Ting and etc etc etc. hee hee pretty excited, seriously!
i am sooo going to miss all my family and friends in Singapore and am pretty sure they will miss me too. haha but no worries everyone, I WILL BE BACK!!! :) oh on another note, i am going to NY for training in December!! how cool is that. hee hee looking forward to that, totally!
Monday, July 28, 2008
i almost cried after watching this. sooooo touching. i mean seriously, if given a chance, i would looooove to have a lion!!! i simply loooove lions. i have no idea why but i really think they are really really cute! so cute that i once had a dream that i had 2 lions as pets and they were so cute in my dream. till now, i still remember the dreams very vividly and the 2 lions. Mrs Mun asked me to adopt a lion from the zoo BUT i dont want to see my lion from afar, i want to be able to touch him, play with him, feed him, bathe him and all. do you think it's possible?
Friday, July 11, 2008
An Hour to Live, An Hour to Love
anyway if i really only have 1 hour to live, what would i do and who would i call? mmm, after some thinking, i think i will do nothing and call no one. because i dont believe in last-minute things. i mean if im really dying, then so be it. what's the point of calling up someone to tell him/her that i love him/her or hate him/her. i mean if i never said that means i am not going to say it. i dont want to do it because i know im dying. i dont want to do anything because 1 hour is too short to do anything. instead of doing something and not being able to finish it, i rather do nothing. maybe im lazy too. haha!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Incredible India
anyway i must say, in India, im like a princess or rather the queen. becuase im like the ONLY chinese girl in the whole of India, they look at me as if i was a dinosaur - rare and extinct. haha! and they treat me like im some queen from another land, visiting them and gracing their country. the very moment i stepped into the airport, i was treated differently. everyone was queuing up to get out of the custom with their luggages but the airport officers looked at me and said " madam, you can go first " haha! and i was given the priviledge to ride on the elevator that is meant for big-shots who worked in my office building. haha! they saw me and they were like " madam, this way please " haha! and i got picked up by people at my very own hotel. haha! just got back from shopping and was looking all tired and dirty and then these 2 indians was like " hey, how are you? where are you from? " and i just replied politely that im from Singapore and they went on " you looked really cute in your outfit, where did you get that? " in my mind, im like " DUHZ, i look like a market auntie with ugly plastic bags and my hair is in a mess and you said i look cute? blind " and then they actually invited me for a drink at the bar which is at the top floor of my hotel. I told them " sure, let me put my things down and i'll look for you " very effective drop-off line! haha if they are cute like some bollywood star, i would definitely go with them. haha actually maybe not too.
doesnt this look like flats in Singapore? acutually i think this is the only so-called flats i saw in Bombay. most of them are low houses.
the street of New Dehli. see so many indians. hahaha! so lame.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
let's see what have i been up to for the past 4 months. mmm, i went travelling! in March i made a trip to India and i really really really really really love india. it's really incredible India. it's a business trip and so it's very very shioks! business class, 5-star hotels, drivers, expensive but free lunches and dinners! sigh i love to go on business trips! haha! must start to "manipulate" my boss to send me on more overseas trips. i want to go JAPAN because i've never been to Japan and i have 3 Japanese colleagues whom i really really wanna meet. and in end-Apr-early-May, i made a trip to Israel for 2 weeks. very very very shioks. although it's not free and i have to pay for it, i gained a lot during this trip. i saw many many amazing things and i learnt a lot about Jesus and everything. it's simply amazing. and guess what, it's not as dangerous as how we see it on the media. maybe i wasnt near the gazaa strip. haha but anyhow, nice weather, nice people and nice views. i definitely want to revisit that place again!
other than that, the other good news is that im moving team. actually not exactly good news because i love my current team. my boss is good, my team-mates are amazing but the work is getting a little bored. which is why i decided to join another team when there's an opportunity there. although this has been finalized for about a month, but im still in my old team. haha need to hire the new replacement before we can work out the transition. getting quite excited as the new person is almost finalized. but yet im getting a little sad to move away from my wonderful team. well, i guess this is life - you dont always get the best of both worlds.
more good news - a colleague got married and had a simple wedding lunch. went and enjoyed myself very much, catching up with the colleagues from the other side of the office. haha! there were 2 tables of colleagues. not sure if the other tables are as happy as they have 3 managers there! my table was having so much fun that we were one of the last tables to leave the restaurant. haha! ooh, a couple just sprung out from our department. the most unlikely couple but yet speculations are going on. took me a while to get confirmation from both parties about their relationship but anyway am happy for them. funnily the other day, the guy asked me why do i think that they will not last. i mean seriously, what's wrong with him? i didnt even mention a word about this and he said i gave him that feeling. i got a little duhz and i told him " hey look, it doesnt matter what i feel or how others think. what is most important is that you 2 are happy and enjoying the relationship. so embrace it and made the best out of it. " and he can tell me " ya i know but just wondering " haha such a young relatinoship and he's having such thoughts. tsk tsk tsk. didnt told the girl though, dont want to make things complicated. hahahaha!
anyway i think life is very unpredicatable. a friend of mine was pregnant and she's all excited and happy and is eating well and all. but suddenly, one monday evening, i recieved a sms from her saying that she has lost her baby. this is sooooooooo sad. i didnt know what to say to her and she didnt know what to say to me either. so i could only send her smses asking her how is she and all. sighz. so young but yet she has to go through this. but well, thank God that she's young and can try again and that her baby is only in his/her first trimester. anyway just spoke to her on MSN and she said she's doing okay but she still cries sometimes for her unborn child. sighz. so sad. and her body is still not physically well. she's going to get another 2 weeks of MC. poor girl. only my age and she has to suffer this. must pray for her, pray very hard for her.
actually today (07/03/08) im on MC because i was down with a flu yesterday. haha actually the moment i left office to see the doctor, im feeling much better already. but since he gave me a MC for 07/03/08, i am not going to work despite the fact that im feeling better. hahahaha in fact not sneezing already. this doctor is quite a character. i told him i only had runny nose, he gave me medicine for fever, runny nose, sore throat and cough. tell me to have them when im having any of those. i think he doesnt want to see me again. that's why he gave me all that he could give. hahaha! i like this doctor but some of my other colleagues think that he's too long-winded, like an old lady.
okok i shall post pictures from my India and Isarel trips very soon.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Prison Break Season 4!!!
actually, it's kinda weird. it's been so many days and no one asked the family members of Mas? is he all alone here in Singapore? and i mean Singapore is pretty small and our security has been something which i believe most Singaporeans are proud of but suddenly they couldnt find this man? and i think the whole of Singapore is very very very curious about how a man with a limp can escape and still not be found. many void deck aunties and uncles speculate that Mas was beaten to death in the detention center and so in order to "cover up" this bloody mess, they let out news that he has escaped, staged this whole Mas operation and then a few more days, they will announce that they have found the body. HAHA! these aunties and uncles must have watched too much tv and movies. HAHA!
the other night, was trying to explain to my grandma in broken hokkein about this man and asking her to be careful. she's quite cute. she kept insisting that there are 2 men on the loose - one with beard, one without! and she kept saying that this is not real, just a show because she has sooo much faith in our Singapore Police Force. anyway managed to convince her that only ONE man is on the loose and she must lock her doors at ALL TIME. and she kept complaining that these people are very mean and kept asking me why they are so mean. haha sometimes, old women have the funniest ideas.
anyway, let's hope that he would be caught soon.
Monday, February 25, 2008
i am not closing this. haha
oh, my India trip has been confirmed. i will be flying on 03/09/08 to Mumbai and will be there till 03/14/08. then im flying to Delhi on 03/14/08 and back to Singapore on 03/15/08. only 1 meeting with the vendor on 03/15/08 in the morning and flight back home is at night 11pm. SO...i want to go to Taj Mahal!!!! hahaha hopefully i can make it as it will take 2 hours to reach there via the express train. quite looking forward to this trip but yet am quite afraid as well. haha!
oh and im going to ISRAEL! yay! since my Japan trip has been postponed and another group of friends cannot confirm the London trip, i have agreed to go Israel with my piano teacher. it will be for 2 weeks and i think im paying about 3k which i thought was a good deal. hee hee will get the itinery this weekend from my teacher, then will see what are the things im going to do. am really really really really excited!!! heh heh
then i want to go Spain in September, most probably Madrid and Barcelona. still in the midst of planning. My Japan trip will most probably be in October i think. haha so many trips, so little money. one of my friends asked me " where are you going to get all the money? " very very good question. i seriously dont know. hopefully everything will work out. so no more shopping and eating good food for me. i need to save save save. hahaha!
and today, i felt long and heavy tremors at work. another earthquake at Indonesia's Sumatra Island, 7.2 magnitude. it was really scary. the tremors were rather long and i was really feeling giddy and nauseous. let's pray that there wont be a tsunami. poor sumatra, so many earthquakes. imagine living there, always in the fear of earthquake and tsunami.
on a gossipy note, my friend told me that angelina jolie is pregnant, AGAIN! is ehe a sow or what? how many children is she going to have? doesnt she practice birth control or she just have sooo much sex with brad pitt? haha! anyway, i dont mind being their children. such gorgeous mum and dad, not to forget rich and famous. sigh, maybe i should write an email to them to ask if they want a daughter of age 27 haha. do you think. angelinajolie@hollywood.com and bradpitt@hollywood.com will work? haha!
Monday, February 11, 2008
gong xi fa cai!!
as for the choice of movie, we selected " Ah Long Pte Ltd ". newspapare critics gave it only 1/2 star but still we decided to give local production our support. actually, it's not that bad but it's not good either. i think it's because in this moive, cantonese is used more than hokkien and so the jokes were not so funny and crude. Mark Lee is the main highlight and joke of the movie thought. some parts were pretty boring, some of my family members fell asleep. HAHAHA! i almost too. on hindsight, we should have watched CJ7 but then i guess we thought our grandma would appreciate Jack Neo more as she recognized him. anyway, this is not something that i would recommend.
on another note, the Edison Chan's scandal was hitting the headlines everyday ya. dont people get tired of such things? i mean initially it was soemthing interesting and all that but now, it's the same old news. same girl, same scandal, same man, same reason, same motives, everything's the same. but my parents are quite interesting. haha! they asked me to google the pictures for them as they are interested to see how scandalous the pictures are. my dad's friend even gave him a website but my blur dad forgot the address. and so i googled and showed them and their reactions were " eeeeeeeeeeee " haha! and then my mum said " aiyoh, so mean. dont see already. they are also of parent-born " haha! eh, they are the ones who ask me to google. i didnt offer okay? anyway, it's quite disgusting and not artistic at all. i thought Edison would be more artistic. haha! anyway, after seeing his dick, i told my friends " his dick very nice" and then my guy friends replied " why? very big? " and i said " no, not big. looks normal but looks smooth " and they couldnt stop laughing. i wonder why. im just speaking the truth. haha!
on another note, my uncle made a bet with me and the stake is his Audi A4 Cabriolet which cost 200,000! haha! he said, if i can get married by the end of 2008, he would give me his Audi as a gift! woo hoo!! anyone out there willing to get married with me? get the car and we can get divorce! haha he didnt state any other criteria! so let's get married!! *laughs*
Monday, January 14, 2008
Last and First Moments...
and my first day of 2008 was quite cool as well. met up with my secondary chums for lunch as one of us is a january baby. during the lunch, we were discussing about celebrating 2008 christmas together, haha! and were were planning to meet up more often. haha! this is because, basically we only meet up during the months when one of us is celebrating our birthday during that month. and being the women of actions, our next gathering is on 01/20/08 - brunch at Pan Pacific!! yay! quite looking forward to it. also caught a movie with another group of friends, watched AVP2. i LOVED it! although it didnt get good reviews and not many people like it, i thought it was good! i looooooooooooove the predator! soooo cool and soooooo handsome! some scenes were really really cool!!! one of my new year resolution is to make my secondary school chums to catch a movie with me!!! interestingly, although we've been friends for 10 years, we have totally different tastes in music and movies. they listen to chinese and cantonese songs, i listen to english. they watch japanese, korean and some english shows, i watch mostly english shows. all of them REFUSED to watch "Stardust" with me!! i begged and promoted that show but none of them gave in. haha! am going to force them to watch " Todd Sweeny" with me in March, on my birthday! haha!
anyway, caught "body 19" and "one missed call" on saturday. heh heh LOVED the former and HATED the latter. body 19 is really good, scary but yet logical. one missed call has it's frightening moments but it's sooooo senseless and ring-ish, ending sucks BIG time! got the urge to watch " america gangsta " still finding company. date me if you're keen. haha!
actually nothing exciting has happened. spent my weekends doing basically nothing, actually am spring-cleaning my room. haha! am very very determined to throw away tons of things to make my room a minimalist. wish me luck, tons of luck!