i didnt know i would fall crazily in love with prison break...*laughs* when my colleague first told me about wentworth miller..i was like..." he look like any other guy! " but now...hahahaha! i think i'm crazier than her...*laughs* that day we were actually "fighting" over him..finally, we settled the whole matter in a nice way...i will be wentworth miller's lover while she will be wentworth miller's wife...*laughs* now that i've finished season 1....i NEED my season 2...everyday i will just go to youtube and look at whatever videos they have on him or prison break...this is mad..i'm going crazy...mariah carey did a MTV with him and somehow, mariah carey decided to advertise her hong kong concert on our tv channel..and so every other hour..i get to catch a glimpse of him on our tv...SOOOOOO HAPPY!!
actually, i think i only like him in prison....which means i only like michale scofield...i think the story is amazing...it's so amazing to see the details that he went into to save his brother...it's absolutely out of this world...although some concepts may be really far-fetched..but hey, it could really happen...acutually i think he looks like eminem:

and with hair..he looks like Hayden Christensen :
hahahahaha! arent i right? but anyhow...i looooooooove him...whoever can lend/give/steal/whatever me prison break season 2..i would be indebted to him/her FOREVER! *laughs*
am sure whoever is reading this know that i've been doing nothing but watched prison break and guess what... you're ABSOLUTELY correct! *laughs* now i'm moving on to OC Season 3...and then Grey's Anatomy Season 2...heard that season 4 for OC and season 3 for Grey's are out in the USA..but for OC 4, think am going to give it a miss..no more marissa and ryan...Grey 3...must start begging people to download for me...*laughs* oh my god...am such a TV JUNKIE!!!
i still have time to have my social life ya...*laughs* last last saturday...i went to MOS with another friend..and there's this group of ang-mohs trying to be funny with us..seriously, they are rubbing their groins against our asses..and it's so disgusting...and they are not even cute to start with...and i could feel that it's big and hard...*laughs* and so friend and i started to move away and guess what? they FOLLOWED!!! but thank God..there's another group of girls and the ang-mohs started rubbing that way...blardy hell, they think they ang-mohs can do whatever they want in clubs is it? well, someone got to tell them...not EVERY single asian girls dig the ang mohs..so dont think just because their eyes are not black/brown, their hair is not dark and their dicks are supposedly longer and thicker...it DOESNT meant that they are superior...mr chong was asking.." if the ang mohs were cute, would you not feel so digusted? " and my answer was instant.." yeah... " oh god...now i feel and talk like a whore...*laughs*
last friday...was my department's teambuilding party..this is the offical name..but basically, i would call it the free-booze-free-food party...our theme was casino..and so we had casino's decorations and even have 3 tables...just like a real casino...free food and free booze...everyone was just dancing and eating and having fun...or at least i hope they are..for i was...*laughs* and the managers were wild...literally wild...we were dancing so wildy and aggressively...and now when i see them in office, i feel kinda shy..*laughs* anyway, there was this girl, a new girl...she's a freak...during the WHOLE event...she was trying to dance WITH the managers..everytime at the dance floor..she will dance seductively TOWARDS the managers..and ONLY the managers...that seemed to be her mission that night..and whenever she did that...colleague and i will put on our "get lost bitch, there's no space for you" motion..and we will keep her away...*laughs* actually it' s more like.. I will keep her away...*laughs* anyway, after the party ended at our destination, we headed down to butter factory for more dancing and drinking..and my manger is so darn cool...upon reaching butter, he saw the queue...went up to the counter and said.. . "i'm going to reserve a table, open bottles and i have 15 people here..let us in" and within 5 minutes..we're in! *laughs* HOWEVER, this particular manager was being such a loser...one colleague was asking him to drink..and then my colleague finished her drink while he didnt..so my colleague went.." loser...drink it up man! " in a joking manner..and so everyone thought she's joking and she's really joking..but suddenly, this manger decided to leave..and when my colleague held on to him...he said.." get your hands of me...get lost " oh god, that's so immature...and he just left butter and spoilt EVERYTHING...what an idiot! then another colleague from india..was an ASSHOLE!! not sure if he's drunk...but he had his hands all over the girls...*puked* and he even tried to kiss a few of us..but luckily, we're smart..we managed to escape by moving away form him..seriously, it's so farking disgusting..and we dont wanna make it sour by telling him to stop blatantly..and so the only thing we could do was danced away...and gossip behind his back..hahahaha..we're also bitches ya?
guess my life doesnt really revolve around the black box that much ya...but talking about that..i think it's time for me to get back to my OC 3...*laughs*
actually, i think i only like him in prison....which means i only like michale scofield...i think the story is amazing...it's so amazing to see the details that he went into to save his brother...it's absolutely out of this world...although some concepts may be really far-fetched..but hey, it could really happen...acutually i think he looks like eminem:

and with hair..he looks like Hayden Christensen :

hahahahaha! arent i right? but anyhow...i looooooooove him...whoever can lend/give/steal/whatever me prison break season 2..i would be indebted to him/her FOREVER! *laughs*
am sure whoever is reading this know that i've been doing nothing but watched prison break and guess what... you're ABSOLUTELY correct! *laughs* now i'm moving on to OC Season 3...and then Grey's Anatomy Season 2...heard that season 4 for OC and season 3 for Grey's are out in the USA..but for OC 4, think am going to give it a miss..no more marissa and ryan...Grey 3...must start begging people to download for me...*laughs* oh my god...am such a TV JUNKIE!!!
i still have time to have my social life ya...*laughs* last last saturday...i went to MOS with another friend..and there's this group of ang-mohs trying to be funny with us..seriously, they are rubbing their groins against our asses..and it's so disgusting...and they are not even cute to start with...and i could feel that it's big and hard...*laughs* and so friend and i started to move away and guess what? they FOLLOWED!!! but thank God..there's another group of girls and the ang-mohs started rubbing that way...blardy hell, they think they ang-mohs can do whatever they want in clubs is it? well, someone got to tell them...not EVERY single asian girls dig the ang mohs..so dont think just because their eyes are not black/brown, their hair is not dark and their dicks are supposedly longer and thicker...it DOESNT meant that they are superior...mr chong was asking.." if the ang mohs were cute, would you not feel so digusted? " and my answer was instant.." yeah... " oh god...now i feel and talk like a whore...*laughs*
last friday...was my department's teambuilding party..this is the offical name..but basically, i would call it the free-booze-free-food party...our theme was casino..and so we had casino's decorations and even have 3 tables...just like a real casino...free food and free booze...everyone was just dancing and eating and having fun...or at least i hope they are..for i was...*laughs* and the managers were wild...literally wild...we were dancing so wildy and aggressively...and now when i see them in office, i feel kinda shy..*laughs* anyway, there was this girl, a new girl...she's a freak...during the WHOLE event...she was trying to dance WITH the managers..everytime at the dance floor..she will dance seductively TOWARDS the managers..and ONLY the managers...that seemed to be her mission that night..and whenever she did that...colleague and i will put on our "get lost bitch, there's no space for you" motion..and we will keep her away...*laughs* actually it' s more like.. I will keep her away...*laughs* anyway, after the party ended at our destination, we headed down to butter factory for more dancing and drinking..and my manger is so darn cool...upon reaching butter, he saw the queue...went up to the counter and said.. . "i'm going to reserve a table, open bottles and i have 15 people here..let us in" and within 5 minutes..we're in! *laughs* HOWEVER, this particular manager was being such a loser...one colleague was asking him to drink..and then my colleague finished her drink while he didnt..so my colleague went.." loser...drink it up man! " in a joking manner..and so everyone thought she's joking and she's really joking..but suddenly, this manger decided to leave..and when my colleague held on to him...he said.." get your hands of me...get lost " oh god, that's so immature...and he just left butter and spoilt EVERYTHING...what an idiot! then another colleague from india..was an ASSHOLE!! not sure if he's drunk...but he had his hands all over the girls...*puked* and he even tried to kiss a few of us..but luckily, we're smart..we managed to escape by moving away form him..seriously, it's so farking disgusting..and we dont wanna make it sour by telling him to stop blatantly..and so the only thing we could do was danced away...and gossip behind his back..hahahaha..we're also bitches ya?
guess my life doesnt really revolve around the black box that much ya...but talking about that..i think it's time for me to get back to my OC 3...*laughs*
fly to amerika to watch your season 2 lah!!! JAJAJAJAJAJA
No comments on your TV addiction! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
But your office people are a freaky lot ... so childish leh, manager somemore, and then pervert(that guy from india, let's not be racist) =P
Be careful then, seems like a huge storm might be brewing in your company soon .... beware ..
Pornstar: haha! you can lend me right? what are friends for? doesnt our 8 years of friendship mean anything? haha!
DL: hahaha! well, that manager has gone back to USA so wont see him that often...that indian has also went back..hahaha! no storm..everything's back to normal..i guess maybe this is where cultural differences caused problems.. :)
I caught like half of an episode by chance and boy oh boy he is soooooooo cute. It a pity that i havent had the time to watch it due to work.
Dang i wonder if those tattoos are real
Kel: yes yes..he's soooooo sexy..what a pity..hey, am getting my friend to get the dvd for me..maybe i could lend it to you..it's really a show that you cannot miss!! oh, the tattoos are fake.. :)
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