Episode 1 - Cellulite
Episode 2 - The Attack of the Cellulite
Episode 3 - The Revenge of the Cellulite
Episode 4 - A Fat Hope
Episode 5 - The Cellulite Strikes Out
Episode 6 - The Lost of the Cellulite
actually i have been intending to write the final episode..but i really dont have much to write...as i've not been meeting up with her that often anymore..simply dont feel like hanging out with her..and actually, she's rather boring to hang out with...*laughs*
she: hello, how have you been?
me: good..nothing much...world cup world cup world cup!! haha!
she: oh ya..me also watching world cup...get to know this guy recently who watches and bets....
me: my dear..ALL GUYS bet..regardless of whether they watch or dont watch..and i think your'e damn duhz..you watch because of a guy...
she: aiyah, you also mah...you watch world cup for the cute footballers..
me: hello...at least i know the basic rules such as offside..and even if i watch for the cuties..they are really cute..as for your guy..no comments on that...
she: so you bet ah? i also..but i bet with the guy..whoever lost has to buy drinks for the winner till the winner cant drink...haha!
me: ooh really? then the guy's in luck..as you cannot drink at all...haha!
she: no...i can drink..just that i cannot drink too fast...
me: aiyah, means cannot drink loh..what cannot drink too fast..no need to be ashamed that you cannot drink..i also cannot drink..i will puke..and i admit i'm not a good drinker...
she: *speechless* anyway...*change topic*
hahahaha! arent i being a tad too frank and mean to her? but then again, i think it's time to let her know that she really cannot make it sia... forever asking people to buy her drinks... and she even once commented that guys buy drinks for girls to get some "tofu" in return...OMG, i wanted very much to reply her that if i'm a guy..i rather become gay than to eat her "tofu"...*laughs*
i believe if you have read episode 5..you would have agreed with me that she's in love with guy E...but i also realized that she's REALLY interested in him...*laughs* about 2 months ago, this is our conversation...
she: hey, what are you girls doing tomorrow?
me: oh, i'm meeting a friend for dinner and movie...
she: hey, i'm also going for movie at plaza sing..watching da vinci code..you? movie starts 830pm
me: oh..i also going there..but watching poisedon...mine starts 910pm
she: really...you going with who...
me: eh...me ah, going with guy E... (was grinning happily when i saw her expresson...couldnt describe but it was an expression of shocked and disbelief with jealousy)
she: oh, you 2 going out on a date ah? wah...so you and him an item?
me: huh? not date lah..cannot go out meh? he's my friend leh..what item? no lah...crazy
she: oh really? okay...we can go home together tomorrow..message me when you're done
me: okay ( in my heart: what the fuck..message you for what? want free ride from me again? jsut wanna see guy E is it? wait nong nong...will not message you...shall make your heart yearn...haha)
and true enough..the next day..the moment she finished her movie..she messaged me asking where i was...i didnt reply immediately as i was drivng guy E to zouk...but when i reached home..i messaged her telling her that i'm already home and that i didnt read my message blah blah blah...and she replied " it's alright..i know lah, you dont want me to disturb your date with guy E" and i replied.." correct.so smart! " haha! i hope i have sent her stomping her feet and feeling jealous of me..*grins*