
Sunday, April 16, 2006

good things that happened...

indeed my granny's passing away is a sad thing...a very sad situation...everyone's sad....BUT she had indeed blessed each and every of us in every other little ways.... *smilez*

well, firstly, i must say..her funeral had gathered all the relatives together...when i was at her wake, that was the FIRST time that i have seen all my cousins of all age and sexes...all of them...i havent met or talked to them for donkey years..some of them dont even know who i am...but this funeral had gathered all of us together...talked to a few young cute and funny...and i even sort of found a new clubbing of my cousin live in singapore and we exchanged numbers and i could see ourselves going out more often...*laughs* just went velvet with her on thursday was fabulous..she and her friends are damn freaking fun!!! also, i have seen some aunties whom i've never seen for a long time..and all the females of the family could just sit one corner and chat the night away while keeping vigilance..which i thought was really good family bonding...

well, not only had my granny brought about family togetherness..she had also brought wealth to us...*laughs* many of us have actually struck 4-D!! *laughs* one auntie strucked twice and in total i think she won 30,000....even my mum manged to win 300 bucks...although little but i think there are more to come as the numbers my granny gave is always appearing in random order for the past 2 weeks..*laughs* another auntie strucked the first prize...20,000!! although it's little money here and there...but hey, all these numbers were from my grandmother in one way or another...way to go granny!! more money please...*laughs*

in addition, my granny gave each of us some money...*grins* for the "internal" grandchildren..each of us will get 1000!! and for the "external" grandchildren, each family will get 1000! then each sons will get about 3000 and my mum got some jewellery and about 300 bucks!! although they are in ringgits as my granny is a malaysian..but hey, it's good money..i am not going to spend it at all...i even saved the money which she gave me as red packet this year...these money will be passed on to my children..if i have any that is...*laughs*

other than good things that happened..weird things happened too on her 7th was believed that the spirit will retun on the 7th day to visit sons and daughters...well, apparently, many aunties heard footsteps outside the rooms on that night...antoher auntie heard someone talking beside her ear and my dad saw that the spoon was grossly displaced on the table...all these are actually "evidences" that my granny had returned the previous night to "visit" her sons and daughters...i have no idea if it's just human imagination but then again, i guess it's a way to tell us that granny was actually "safe and sound" in another world...*smilez*


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