yay! finally i can get to vote...hahahaha...why am i so happy to vote? seriously, i have no freaking idea...maybe it's because i had never voted before in my whole life...*laughs* i was living in bedok which is under aljunied for like 10 years..and aljunied is/was one of those walkover constituencies...but anyhow was too young..then i moved to hougang...and when i shifted it was under cheng san...and so during GE 2001..i was old enough and was getting excited...then my area was grouped under aljunied AGAIN and so no voting *mutter mutter*...and now the worker's party is contesting against the PAP....yay!!

these are the candidates for my constitutency...frankly speaking..i dont know any of them...hahahaha! well..for the PAP candidates...george yeo is a familiar face but am not sure what is he doing now...then again, maybe because he looked like my neighbor...*laughs* cynthia puah always hang out at the void deck as we have a RC center there...zainul abidin is my granny's favorite as my granny said he's friendly and nice...for the WP candidates..i know nuts about them...but i think the sylvia lim look like a capable lady..from the picture of course...*laughs*
aiyoh...see how political unsound i am....given such mentality and political intelligence...how do i cast that significant vote of mine??? it will determine our governement and the way singapore is run and yet, here i am talking about the politicains based on looks? tsk tsk tsk...i am so superficial...think it's time i read up on them...so that i can cast that significant vote...*laughs* i feel so important suddenly...hahahaha! i wonder what would the candidates do to rally votes from us....also, what would the parliament be if WP actually won the aljunied GRC? mmmm....i really wonder...
my dad was telling me....sylvia lim and gang is a strong contestant..and it will be a tough fight for PAP and it's going to be interesting...another interesting fight would be potong pasir - chiam see tong vs seetoh...tough fight as chiam may not win this round...was surprised that the opposition party actually contested in AMK, our prime minister's area...but my dad was saying...it's a sure-win for PAP....the voting will only determine how supportive singaporeans are of our current PM...mmm...will i get into trouble for this? *shrugs* so interesting horz...but my parents always say..." aiyah, it's so boring to watch election and parliament of singapore...always the few guys talking and the rest nodding their heads...look at taiwan, so many abuses hurled at each other..so many days of campaign and so many fights...machiam watch movies.. " *laughs*

these are the candidates for my constitutency...frankly speaking..i dont know any of them...hahahaha! well..for the PAP candidates...george yeo is a familiar face but am not sure what is he doing now...then again, maybe because he looked like my neighbor...*laughs* cynthia puah always hang out at the void deck as we have a RC center there...zainul abidin is my granny's favorite as my granny said he's friendly and nice...for the WP candidates..i know nuts about them...but i think the sylvia lim look like a capable lady..from the picture of course...*laughs*
aiyoh...see how political unsound i am....given such mentality and political intelligence...how do i cast that significant vote of mine??? it will determine our governement and the way singapore is run and yet, here i am talking about the politicains based on looks? tsk tsk tsk...i am so superficial...think it's time i read up on them...so that i can cast that significant vote...*laughs* i feel so important suddenly...hahahaha! i wonder what would the candidates do to rally votes from us....also, what would the parliament be if WP actually won the aljunied GRC? mmmm....i really wonder...
my dad was telling me....sylvia lim and gang is a strong contestant..and it will be a tough fight for PAP and it's going to be interesting...another interesting fight would be potong pasir - chiam see tong vs seetoh...tough fight as chiam may not win this round...was surprised that the opposition party actually contested in AMK, our prime minister's area...but my dad was saying...it's a sure-win for PAP....the voting will only determine how supportive singaporeans are of our current PM...mmm...will i get into trouble for this? *shrugs* so interesting horz...but my parents always say..." aiyah, it's so boring to watch election and parliament of singapore...always the few guys talking and the rest nodding their heads...look at taiwan, so many abuses hurled at each other..so many days of campaign and so many fights...machiam watch movies.. " *laughs*
anyway, voting is compulsory and confidential in singapore..and so i wil have to vote and i will not tell others who i vote for...*laughs*