a group of colleagues organized a farewell lunch for me...my last day is next thursday, 15 Dec 05 and this group of collegues gave me atreat at this buffet restaurant - vienna, in united square...there was a wide variety of food....free flow of sashimis,meat, soup, dim sum, prawns, oysters, etc etc...so niceee...food was good, fellowship was good..and we took some pictures....
clockwise: ronald, me, jill, melissa and yi lin...
clockwise: ronald, me, yong soon, melissa and yi lin...
can anyone spot the difference? *laughs* basically, we change the photographer!! *laughs* kinda funny, forgotten to get someone to take picture for the 6 of us....think we were too happily laughing away at each other...we were chatting about movies, books...about ronald owing me a rolex...about yi lin giving us a treat because she's late...about me spreading the flu to everyone...mmm...we are all not young anymore, but it seemed that our conversation is kinda childish...*laughs*
after lunch, ronald went home as he's going to sentosa to moontan...and mr lee went off to his swimming session..dry swimming...*laughs* guys...they really do funny and interesting things right...then it's shopping time for us ladies....we proceeded to novean square....because yi lin wanted to buy shoes...and she did buy 2 pairs...and i bought 1 pair...*laughs* couldnt resist the temptation....and then we proceeded to the addidas shop...and my dear friends bought me this:

this is my VERY FIRST pair of sneakers...so pretty right...just like meee......*grins* this pair of sneakers came in at the right time....am going genting this weekend..would need this pair...and then my new job allows me to wear casual on fridays...and so now i can wear this pair!!! *yeah* need to get more white tops to go with my sneakers...*laughs* sighz..this is how i shop and buy more and more and more....tsk tsk...
and next on my list is a pair of levi's jeans...tried on 3 pairs...and one of them fitted me so snugly and beautifully...but i didnt buy it because i need to look around more...heh heh heh... then i tried this princess cut version of levi's jeans...before i tried, the salesgirl said that not everyone can wear this pair as there's some gathers at the knees area and if the legs are not long enough...the gathers will not be at the knees...and lo and behold!! my knees fall right into the gathers...which concluded..i have long legs and please call me PRINCESS HANNAH...*laughs*

clockwise: ronald, me, jill, melissa and yi lin...

clockwise: ronald, me, yong soon, melissa and yi lin...
can anyone spot the difference? *laughs* basically, we change the photographer!! *laughs* kinda funny, forgotten to get someone to take picture for the 6 of us....think we were too happily laughing away at each other...we were chatting about movies, books...about ronald owing me a rolex...about yi lin giving us a treat because she's late...about me spreading the flu to everyone...mmm...we are all not young anymore, but it seemed that our conversation is kinda childish...*laughs*
after lunch, ronald went home as he's going to sentosa to moontan...and mr lee went off to his swimming session..dry swimming...*laughs* guys...they really do funny and interesting things right...then it's shopping time for us ladies....we proceeded to novean square....because yi lin wanted to buy shoes...and she did buy 2 pairs...and i bought 1 pair...*laughs* couldnt resist the temptation....and then we proceeded to the addidas shop...and my dear friends bought me this:

this is my VERY FIRST pair of sneakers...so pretty right...just like meee......*grins* this pair of sneakers came in at the right time....am going genting this weekend..would need this pair...and then my new job allows me to wear casual on fridays...and so now i can wear this pair!!! *yeah* need to get more white tops to go with my sneakers...*laughs* sighz..this is how i shop and buy more and more and more....tsk tsk...
and next on my list is a pair of levi's jeans...tried on 3 pairs...and one of them fitted me so snugly and beautifully...but i didnt buy it because i need to look around more...heh heh heh... then i tried this princess cut version of levi's jeans...before i tried, the salesgirl said that not everyone can wear this pair as there's some gathers at the knees area and if the legs are not long enough...the gathers will not be at the knees...and lo and behold!! my knees fall right into the gathers...which concluded..i have long legs and please call me PRINCESS HANNAH...*laughs*
Hi hi...so long nv leave commments already. you must wear the sneakers ok?! hehe it's nice!! and the jeans that u liked...also very nice!! haha if u are getting it next yr...maybe u can throw in another hundred odd and get me one too?? hehe princess!! haha now i'm not the only princess already. hahahaha
Lovely shoes you got there. Envious now..wearing new shoes to genting. I hope your gonna enjoy your genting trip.
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